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AN 5.55 lust contrasted against first jhana's blameless pleasure

5kg = panca kāma-guṇā = 5 sensuality strings

While first jhana is not explicitly specified this sutta, it's consonant with the same theme. That VRJ (vism. redefinition of jhana) which emphasizes samatha kung fu of 5 body senses being shut down, an impressive feat in its own right, has nothing to do with the superpower of first jhana, which is to deeply understand that the pleasure of being free of lust and desire for 5kg, is far superior.

example of expert meditator teacher who could to VRJ with 5 senses shut down. Turns out he was cheating on his wife, had something like 10 mistresses over many years, some of them were paid sex workers, and likely money was coming from Dhamma teaching donations from his students. He is just one recent example among many throughout the history of meditators who could do VRJ.

He could do VRJ jhanas and arupa samadhi, but he couldn't do a proper EBT first jhana where 'secluded from sensual pleasure' doesn't mean the 5 senses are shut off, it means exactly what the words look like, the ability to abide in spiritual pleasures which are free of worldly sensual pleasures and sexual desire.

Comprehensive gloss of vivicc’eva kāmehi from STED...

The function of vitakka and vicara in first jhana, is not to shut off the 5 sense faculties, but to think, ponder, and:
Ye ca kāme pariññāya,
... completely understand sensual pleasures

AN 5.55 excerpt

Yañhi taṃ, bhikkhave, sammā vadamāno vadeyya:
For if anyone should be rightly called ‘an all-round snare of Māra’, it’s females.
‘samantapāso mārassā’ti mātugāmaṃyeva sammā vadamāno vadeyya:
‘samantapāso mārassā’ti.
Sallape asihatthena,
You might chat with someone who has knife in hand.
pisācenāpi sallape;
You might even chat with a goblin.
Āsīvisampi āsīde,
You might sit close by a viper,
yena daṭṭho na jīvati;
whose bite would take your life.
Na tveva eko ekāya,
But never should you chat
mātugāmena sallape.
one on one with a female.
Muṭṭhassatiṃ tā bandhanti,
They captivate the unrememberful
pekkhitena sitena ca;
with a glance and a smile.
Athopi dunnivatthena,
Or scantily clad,
mañjunā bhaṇitena ca;
they speak charming words.
Neso jano svāsīsado,
It’s not good to sit with such a person,
api ugghātito mato.
even if she’s injured or dead.
Pañca kāmaguṇā ete,
These five kinds of sensual stimulation
itthirūpasmiṃ dissare;
are apparent in a woman’s body:
Rūpā saddā rasā gandhā,
sights, sounds, tastes, smells,
phoṭṭhabbā ca manoramā.
and touches so delightful.
Tesaṃ kāmoghavūḷhānaṃ,
Those swept away by the flood of sensual pleasures,
kāme aparijānataṃ;
not comprehending them,
Kālaṃ gati bhavābhavaṃ,
make their priority transmigration—
saṃsārasmiṃ purakkhatā.
time and destination, life after life.
Ye ca kāme pariññāya,
But those who completely understand sensual pleasures
caranti akutobhayā;
live fearing nothing from any quarter.
Te ve pāraṅgatā loke,
They are those in the world who’ve crossed over,
ye pattā āsavakkhayan”ti.
having reached the ending of defilements.”


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