Nice new website here, by Javier. (actually, I don't know if the site is new, I don't see any dates on there, but it's new to me) One thing that needs pointing out. There is a place for abbreviated sutta translations with repetitions cut out or elided. It serves a useful purpose. You can more quickly digest the gist of the sutta and not lose the main points from getting lost in thinking out the repetitions. But there's a super important reason, actually at least 2 reasons, for the repetitions. One, it's on an oral tradition, so repetitions help you to memorize the teaching and help catch errors when reciting repetitions sounds different or slightly off. Two, and most important, the repetition is a positive brainwashing in the best sense of the concept. You're washing out the akusala/unskillful, and replacing the washed mind with kusala skillful thoughts and perceptions. This sutta for example illustrates the...
always question authority