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jhāna is life. jhāna is a 24/7 lifestyle. jhāna and satipaṭṭhāna are done simultaneously.


vihāra [m.] an abode; a dwelling place; mode of life; passing the time.

viharati [vi + har + a] lives; abides; dwells; sojourns.       


yadidaṃ — cattāro sati-’paṭṭhānā.
In other words, this path is the four ways of remembering [The Dharma ];
Katame cattāro?
Which Four [ways]?
Idha, bhikkhave, bhikkhu …
It’s when …

(standard 4sp🐘 formula)

kāye kāyā-(a)nu-passī viharati
He lives continuously seeing the body as a body [as it truly is].
vedanāsu vedanā-(a)nu-passī viharati
He lives continuously seeing sensations as sensations [as it truly is].
citte cittā-(a)nu-passī viharati
He lives continuously seeing a mind as a mind [as it truly is].
dhammesu dhammā-(a)nu-passī viharati
He lives continuously seeing ☸Dharma as ☸Dharma [as it truly is].
(… elided refrain from each way…)
[in each of the 4 ways of remembering]:
ātāpī sampajāno satimā,
he is ardent 🏹, he has lucid discerning 👁, he remembers 🐘 [to apply relevant ☸Dharma].
vineyya loke abhijjhā-do-manassaṃ;
he should remove greed and distress regarding the world. Paṭhamajhāna First jhāna
The monk is

(STED 1st Jhāna)

🚫💑 vivicc’eva kāmehi
Judiciously-secluded from sensuality,
🚫😠 vivicca a-kusalehi dhammehi
Judiciously-secluded from unskillful ☸Dharmas,
(V&V💭) sa-vitakkaṃ sa-vicāraṃ
with directed-thought and evaluation [of those verbal ☸Dharma thoughts],
😁🙂 viveka-jaṃ pīti-sukhaṃ
with [mental] rapture and [physical] pleasure born from judicious-seclusion,
🌘 paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati.
he attains and lives in first jhāna. Dutiyajhāna Second jhāna
Puna caparaṃ, mahārāja, bhikkhu

(STED 2nd Jhāna)

Vitakka-vicārānaṃ vūpasamā
with the subsiding of directed-thought and evaluation [of those verbal ☸Dharma thoughts],
ajjhattaṃ sam-pasādanaṃ
with internal purity and self-confidence,
🌄 cetaso ekodi-bhāvaṃ
his mind becomes singular in focus.
🚫(V&V💭) a-vitakkaṃ a-vicāraṃ
Without directed-thought and evaluation, [mental processing is now subverbal,]
🌄😁🙂 samādhi-jaṃ pīti-sukhaṃ
[mental] rapture and [physical] pleasure is born from undistractible-lucidity,
🌗 dutiyaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati.
he attains and lives in second jhāna. Tatiyajhāna Third jhāna
Puna caparaṃ, mahārāja, bhikkhu

(STED 3rd Jhāna)

🚫😁 pītiyā ca virāgā
With [mental] rapture fading,
👁 upekkhako ca viharati
he lives equanimously observing [☸Dharmas with subverbal mental processing].
(S&S🐘💭) sato ca sam-pajāno,
remembering [and applying relevant ☸Dharma], he lucidly discerns.
🙂🚶 sukhañca kāyena paṭi-saṃ-vedeti,
He experiences pleasure with the [physical] body.
yaṃ taṃ ariyā ācikkhanti —
The Noble Ones praise this [stage of jhāna in particular because they expect this to be the normal state of the average monk in all postures at all times]:
‘upekkhako satimā sukha-vihārī’ti
"He lives happily with pleasure, Equanimously observing and remembering [to engage in relevant ☸Dharma]."
🌖 tatiyaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati.
he attains and lives in third jhāna. Catutthajhāna Fourth jhāna
Puna caparaṃ, mahārāja, bhikkhu

(STED 4th Jhāna)

sukhassa ca pahānā
With the abandoning of [physical] pleasure
dukkhassa ca pahānā
and pain,
pubbeva so-manassa-do-manassānaṃ atthaṅgamā
with the previous abandoning of elated and distressed mental states,
experiencing [physical] sensations of neither pain nor pleasure,
👁🐘 Upekkhā-sati-pārisuddhiṃ
his equanimous observation and his remembering [and application of relevant ☸Dharma] is purified.
🌕 catutthaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharati
he attains and lives in fourth jhāna.


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