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3 min. video: Excellent real life metta, mudita, karma and deva protection in action.


Re: How to practice loving kindness friendly-kindness?

Post by frank k » 

Gami47 wrote: Sat Aug 27, 2022 11:56 am:namaste:
First, you're probably going to run into problems if you follow instructions where people don't translate 'metta' correctly. ... thats.html
'love' is absolutely wrong, 'loving-kindness' is an attempt to avoid the problems with 'love', but still an ill-advised translation.

metta is friendliness, good will.

Second, I'd highly recommend people avoid Vism. or the many modern teachers who base their instructions on Vism. derived ideas for the brahmaviharas.

Now the suttas unfortunately don't give as much detailed instruction on metta as we'd like.
But I'd recommend using that versatility in conjunction with discernment and common sense.

For example, in this great 3 minute video here, this is an excellent real life example of metta in action, as well as mudita, and how karma works and invites protection from devas and other beings.

later in the thread:
Highly recommended articles by Thanissaro B. , including this new book from him in 2022
Sublime Determinations: a Retreat on the Brahmavihāras. (published July 13, 2022) A transcript from a retreat held in conjunction with the Sociedade Vipassana de Meditação of Brasília on the topic of the four sublime attitudes (brahmavihāras): unlimited goodwill, unlimited compassion, unlimited empathetic joy, and unlimited equanimity.

And some of his other articles on the topic, from the same website
The Sublime Attitudes
Head & Heart Together
The Limits of the Unlimited Attitudes

To me it really speaks to the general aptitude of understanding in the Buddhist community when it comes to the brahma viharas, that no one else has brought up Thanissaro's articles and recommended them on this thread.
It tells me you haven't really thought about the deeper issues, or encountered the many problems from LBT Vism. and general watered down and misguided practices common today.
For example, it makes a radical difference in your life and in your practice between trying to regard all living beings as a mother loves her only child (like a frantic nanny chasing after unruly kids),
as opposed to trying to protect the purity of one's mind (from ill will) as a mother protects her only child.

Or what it means in SN 47 when the two acrobats, the master told the apprentice "you protect me, and I'll protect you", and the apprentice corrected the master (which the Buddha approved) and said, "No, you protect yourself and I'll protect myself."

Or how would you actually in practice if a bandit were to saw off your limbs, and you are suppose to direct metta at them?

Thanissaro's articles on the topic (sutta based) that I've read that addresses many complications that arise from actually trying to incorporate metta into your practice.
If you haven't read his work on the subject, it will really open your mind and help you see some of the many problems with how the brahmaviharas are commonly taught today.


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