Is it possible to attain Ajahn Brahm’s jhanas without either 1)keeping the precepts or 2)seeing danger in sensual pleasures?
From a recent discussion on sutta central: Is it possible to attain Ajahn Brahm’s jhanas without either 1)keeping the precepts or 2)seeing danger in sensual pleasures? Darayavaush asked on suttacentral: Is it possible to attain Ajahn Brahm’s jhanas without either 1)keeping the precepts or 2)seeing danger in sensual pleasures? ... (and later in the thread)... I also wonder what Vens @Brahmali and @Sunyo think about this matter. Because for me it seems that you can enter Aj. Brahm’s jhanas without fulfilling either of the two mentioned conditions. But if it is so, then what Aj. Brahm teaches simply can’t be jhanas (at least right jhanas) and hence can’t lead to any meaningful liberation. Ajahn Brahmali responded: You have to live a generally ethical life, but you can make occasional mistakes. Is this what you mean? At the time of entering a jhāna, however, your mind has to be completely pure and thus ethical. And yes, you ha...