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Sujato's love retreat: more proof that "love" is a wrong translation for "metta"


The proof of the pudding is in the eating.

If "love" was a legitimate translation for "metta", 
you would expect Sujato and his followers to stand behind it.
If it was really easy to disambiguate "love" according to context, as Sujato claims,
You would expect Sujato to advertise his yearly "love retreats".

But does he? 
You won't find it in his advertisements.
Doing a google web search, 
you see that he only advertises "metta retreat".

Whereas people who translate metta as "loving kindness",
have no qualms about advertising "loving kindness retreat".

From the first page of google search results for "loving kindness retreat"

Loving-kindness Retreat

Indriya Retreat › meditation-retreats-2 › lovin...

A retreat with Anthony teaches loving-kindness through guided meditations and inspiring instructions. It focuses on healing ourselves and relationships.

Reflections from a week long Loving-Kindness Retreat › blog › reflections-from-a-...

I just got back from a week long Metta (Loving-Kindness) retreat at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre, Massachusetts, under the guidance of Sharon ...

The Art of Loving-Kindness A Meditation and Yoga Retreat
Kripalu › presenters-programs › art-loving-kin...

A weekend retreat that offers a deep exploration of loving-kindness in the world around you as well as the world within you.

Welcome to Loving Kindness (Retreat Talk and Guided ...

YouTube · Jonathan Foust
May 24, 2018

The Loving Kindness (Metta) Retreat

Dharma Seed › retreats

An overview and introduction to the practice of Loving Kindness, and some of the ways it works to bring healing and joy, true nourishment and inner resource ...

Lovingkindness Retreat

Insight Meditation Society › retreats

This silent retreat, open to both new and experienced meditators, will focus on the development of lovingkindness for concentration and as a support for insight ...

Embracing Lovingkindness & Connection

Omega Institute › workshops › embracing-lovin...

Cultivate compassion and connection with Headspace teacher Rosie Acosta in this transformative lovingkindness retreat.

Summer Lovingkindness Retreat (354R24) – On Land

Retreat Guru › program › summe...

This retreat will deepen our understanding of selfless love and how it ends suffering. Retreatants are encouraged to combine this Lovingkindness Retreat with ...

Google search for "Sujato Metta retreat"

Registration is now open for the end of year Metta Retreat ...

SuttaCentral › registration-is-now-o...

Aug 22, 2023 — Registration form for Metta Retreat with Bhante Sujato (2023 / 2024). Venue: Mount Carmel Retreat Centre, 247 St Andrews Rd, Varroville NSW ...

Bhante Sujato "Chaos & Metta" Tour d'Europe 2024-2025

SuttaCentral › bhante-sujato-chaos-...

Mar 17, 2024 — Bhante Sujato will once again travel through Europe from November 2024 until February 2025! There are many retreats and other events planned in Norway, Poland, ...

Metta-Retreat mit Bhante Sujato

Kloster Sirisampanno › event

·Translate this page

Bhante Sujato will lead a retreat at Sirisampanno Monastery at the end of next year from November 28th to December 7th, 2024.

Bhante Sujato “Chaos & Metta” Tour of Europe 2024/2025

Samita ASBL › 2024/09/18 › bhante-sujato-ch...

Sep 18, 2024 — 10-day “Chaos & Metta” Retreat with Samita/IMA Monastery Yeunten Ling. For more information and registration see our website post.

Bhante Sujato retreat

InzichtMeditatie Antwerpen › wat › bhante_suj...

Chaos and Metta 10-day silent retreat. Bhante Sujato 10-19 January 2025 · 1. To abstain from killing living beings · 2. To abstain from taking what is not given

2014, Metta Retreat, Bhante Sujato

YouTube · BSWA Retreats 2011-15 & Media
22.9K+ followers

2014, Metta Retreat, Bhante Sujato · 1 Ajahn Sujato Metta 2014 Intro to meditation · 2 Ajahn Sujato Metta 2014 loving kindness meditation · 3 Ajahn Sujato Metta ...

Training The Mind To Be Happy With Metta Meditation

Buddhist Society of Western Australia › ... › happiness › meditation › metta

Ajahn Sujato reflects on what it is that is causing us suffering when we sit and meditate. Why it is so difficult to have peace of mind? What is disturbing our ...

Bhante Sujato Metta Meditation series

Samita ASBL › 2020/08/21 › bhante-sujato-me...

Aug 21, 2020 — In this 10-part series, Bhante Sujato describes in detail Ajahn Mahachatchai's method of Metta Meditation. This course was given in Santi Forest ...

Ajahn Sujato › teachers › ajahn-sujato

Metta meditation retreat (2014) at Jhana Grove. Dhammathreads - with Bhante Sujato and friends. Mahāsatipaṭṭhānasutta. Talks posted by BSWA. Videos posted by ...


Actions speak louder than words.
In top search results for "sujato metta retreat",
you see 10 years worth of Sujato leading "metta retreats",
but I can not find any results showing him leading "love retreats".
Does that seem like someone who has conviction in his translation of "love" as "metta"?

Yet, no one else is calling him out on this publicly and overtly.
I'm sure people have subtly complained or try to hint their disapproval over the years.
"Love" in the English language is ambiguous, and in fact romantic love is the first connotation people think of, not platonic metta friendship.
"metta" in pāḷi is not ambiguous at all. 

Is it "metta" or is it a tantric guru committing Pārājika offenses?

More detail

Proof that metta as ‘love’ is wrong translation (illustrated)


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