DN 11.4.1 where nāma, rūpa, viññāna cease without remainder
DN 33.3 threefold classification of rūpa with 4 permutations of visible (dassana) and resistant (patigha)
MN 21.6 sky is ākāso arūpī anidassano, formless and invisible
MN 49.9.7 Buddha says Brahma has no knowledge of Viññāṇaṃ anidassanaṃ anantaṃ sabbato pabhaṃ
SN 43.44 Anidassanañca is listed among other synonyms for nirvana
DN 33 is not talking about viññāna, just rūpa.
MN 21 context is doing metta to the whole world, so even though viññāna is not mentioned, but metta can be done with 4 jhānas (which operate in rūpa) or formless dimensions.
The remaining 3 suttas all seem to be the context of samādhi perceiving nirvana.
so what is the best translation for anidassana? Sujato's "invisible consciousness" is untenable if we assume it should have the same translation for all 5 suttas.
And DN 11 and SN 43 show this state is definitely not referring the dimension of infinite consciousness.
In DN 11, in this state nāma, rūpa, viññāna all cease. Obviously those things can't cease in dimension of infinite consciousness.
Translations for anidassana:
Bodhi: unmanifest
Thanissaro: without surface:
Essay by Charlie
Essay by Sunyo (proposing this is formless state of infinite consciousness)
Dr. William Zhu's translation is so easy for me to grasp: The Conciousensess without landing (那个没有落脚之处的觉知; 那个未呈现之识), which is the deathless.