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woman with dream premonition called out of work and avoids car crash, salmon rushdie had premonition, ignored it, stabbed 15 times almost died


salman rushdie had premonition, ignored it, stabbed 15 times almost died

13 min. interview on 60 minutes show:

You may remember Salmon, who had a fatwa by Ayatollah issued (asking muslims to kill salman) for writing a book considered offensive to Muslims.

Interesting juxtaposition with another story that happened today.
A woman had two dreams, same morning, very vivid warning her not to go to work or else she'd be seriously injured in a car crash.

She heeded the warning, lived.

Salmon also had a dream before his attempted murder, told his wife he didn't want to go to the event (where he would be attacked and stabbed 15 times).
Then he thought, "it's just a dream, why should I believe it?"

woman with dream premonition called out of work and avoids car crash

New Jersey toll collector with ‘premonition’ called out of work before garbage truck crashed into booth

By  Aneeta Bhole

Published April 15, 2024, 11:51 p.m. ET

Talk about a sixth sense!

A New Jersey toll booth attendant escaped potential injury or worse after she called out of work because of a premonition — the same day a garbage truck crashed into the toll plaza.

Jessica Daley, who works along the Garden State Parkway, told NBC New York she was jolted awake Friday morning with a “bad gut feeling … like something terrible was going to happen.”

A second warning came at 4 a.m., when she felt she was “going to get in a car accident.”

Jessica Daley told NBC New York she was awakened with a “bad gut feeling… like something terrible was going to happen.”


Jessica Daley told NBC New York she had a “bad gut feeling … like something terrible was going to happen.”


“It was so strong, that I actually called out and I never call out of work,” Daley told the broadcaster.

Four hours later, a garbage truck slammed into a collector’s booth at the Barnegat Toll Plaza — the booth Daley is usually in.

An explosion of debris hit a nearby Chevy pickup truck and the toll booth.

 A toll collector and the driver of the vehicle suffered serious injuries.

“My immediate response, honestly, I dropped to my knees and just started crying.

 I was praying for everybody involved and thanking God that I had that feeling to call out,” she said when she’d been told of the accident soon after.

State police are still investigating the crash, and a spokesperson for the New Jersey Turnpike Authority said the injured toll collector has left the hospital.

A garbage truck is shown slamming into a collector’s booth at the Barnegat Toll Plaza.


A garbage truck slams into a collector’s booth at the Barnegat Toll Plaza.


Daley and her family were left with mixed emotions.

“I think her gut instinct was an angel or a premonition from a guardian angel telling her not to go in to protect her,” said her mother, Jennifer.

“It’s hard to feel so happy that my daughter wasn’t there, and at the same time, feel heartbreak for the ones that were involved.”

Police are still investigating the crash that left one toll collector in the hospital.

Daley returned to work the next day and added that the warnings reinforced her faith.

“As of recently, I started getting a lot closer to God in the last like three months.

 I believe 100 percent that was God looking out for me,” she said.


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