Monday, March 7, 2022

√ñā: Get to 'know' me! sampajāno is not 'situational awareness'

external offsite collection of notes on '√ñā: know'

sampajāno is not 'situational awareness', as one popular teacher translates it. 

It's much more general purpose and comprehensive than that.  


All of these words having meaning of  discernment/wisdom/knowledge have the root. √ñā

root. √ñā・5 nā (know)

paññā 1

fem. wisdom; knowledge; understanding; insight; distinctive knowledge. [pa + √ñā + ā]


adj. clearly aware; fully knowing; completely comprehending [saṃ + pa + √ñā + nā + a]


pr (+acc). knows; knows clearly; understands; distinguishes [pa + √ñā + nā + ti]

pa (prefix)

forward; towards

jānāti 1

pr (+acc). knows; understands [√ñā + nā + ti]

jānāti 2

pr (+acc). knows (as) [√ñā + nā + ti]

jānāti 3

pr (+acc). finds out (if); learns (if); gets to know (if) [√ñā + nā + ti]


adj. with direct knowledge; with experiential understanding; with realization; lit. completely knowing. [abhi + √ñā + ā + a]


nt (+gen or +loc). knowing (of); understanding (of); insight (into). [√ñā + aṇa]

From SN 56.11, Koṇḍañña + aññāsi

Atha kho bhagavā imaṃ
Then *** the-Blessed-One {****}
udānaṃ udānesi:
{exclaimed} {this} exclamation:
“aññāsi vata bho, koṇḍañño,
{So you} really-know {**** ***}, Koṇḍañña?
aññāsi vata bho, koṇḍañño”ti.
{So you} really-know {**** ***}, Koṇḍañña?
Iti hidaṃ āyasmato koṇḍaññassa
Thus, this Venerable Koṇḍañña,
“aññāsikoṇḍañño” tveva nāmaṃ ahosīti.
"Kondañña who knows" {became his} name.

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