4š☸ → ASND šš https://lucid24.org/sted/asnd/index.html Forum discussion Re: Meaning of "percipient of light" Dhammapardon wrote: ↑ Sun May 28, 2023 10:03 amHello Venerables and friends, It appears often in translation associated with abandoning sloth and drowsiness but there isn't much else said. https://suttacentral.net/dn12/en/thanissaro?reference=none&highlight=false wrote:Abandoning sloth & drowsiness, he dwells with an awareness devoid of sloth & drowsiness, mindful, alert, percipient of light.Attempting to understand this phrase experientialy and making an educated guess, percipient here usually gets translated from saƱƱī of ÄlokasaƱƱī (percipient of light). SaƱƱī and saĆ±Ć±Ä probably mean something very similar? SaĆ±Ć±Ä being what one does with phenomena through one of the 5 aggregates (pancakhanda). So likely means someone notices/recognizes the brightness of their immediate surroundings. Similar to leaving a darkened office or bu...
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