37bp factors = 7 sets of bodhi-pakkhiya Dhamma
DN 27
samaṇopi kho, vāseṭṭha, kāyena saṁvuto vācāya saṁvuto manasā saṁvuto
samaṇopi kho, vāseṭṭha, kāyena saṁvuto vācāya saṁvuto manasā saṁvuto
sattannaṁ bodhi-pakkhiyānaṁ dhammānaṁ
bhāvanamanvāya diṭṭheva dhamme parinibbāyati.
or ascetic who is restrained in body, speech, and mind, and develops
the seven Buddha wings of Dharma,
realize nirvana in this very life.
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wheel with 8 spokes of course = Dhamma = noble eightfold path
The dragon is a simile for 7 awakening factors
warrior = 4 right efforts
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