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dsuj translations at,,

dsuj  = derived from 2018-decem. edition of  Sujato, Bhikkhu translator, mostly unchanged, but  with some important terms substituted.

andj Anandajoti Bhikkhu translator
 bodh Bodhi, Bhikkhu translator
 bjt Buddha Jayanti Tipitaka
dsuj  derived from 2018-decem. edition of  Sujato, Bhikkhu translator, mostly unchanged, but  with some important terms substituted.
 flipt FLIPT: Fast Learning Intuitive Pali Translation
 irld Ireland, John D. translator
nypo Nyanaponika, Bhikkhu translator
nymo Ñāṇamoli, Bhikkhu translator
ntbb Ñāṇamoli, Bhikkhu; Bodhi, Bhikkhu translators
than Thanissaro, Ajahn translator
tanp Tan, Piya translator
piya Piyadassi, Bhikkhu translator
pts Pali Text Society
rhyc Rhys Davids, C.A.F. translator
 suj Sujato, Bhikkhu translator
vri Vipasana Research Institute (includes DPR)
wlsh Walshe, Maurice O'Connell translator
 upla Upalavanna, Sister translator
 tibl Tipitaka In Burmese Language

These are the terms I changed:

  "absorption", "jhāna",
  "bliss", "pleasure",
  "choice", "co-doing", #sankhara

"disillusionment", "disenchantment",
"disillusioned", "disenchanted",

     "immersion", "undistractible-lucidity",
"immersed", "undistractified-&-lucidified",
"immerse", "undistractify-&-lucidify",
  "keeping it connected", "evaluation", #first and 2nd jhana
#"loving", "friendly-kindly", # metta
  # "love", "friendly-kindness", # metta

"mendicant", "monk", # bhikkhu
  "mindfulness", "remembering", #sati
  "mindfully", "rememberfully",
  "mindful", "rememberful",
  "placing of the mind", "directed-thought", #first and 2nd jhana
  "placing the mind", "directing-thought",

  "personally experiencing the bliss", "personally experiencing pleasure with the flesh and blood physical body", #3rd jhana
  "extinguished", "nirvana'd",
  "extinguishment", "nirvana",
"situational awareness", "lucid-discerning", # sampajano
"tranquility", "pacification", #passadhi
  "tranquil", "pacified", #passadhi

Most of the changes to B. Sujato's translations are preference

I personally enjoy B. Sujato's English translations, they definitely have value for a certain audience. My changes are to address technical practice issues, so that special technical terms can be recognized as corresponding to their Pali counterpart. For example, 'pacification' and 'passadhi' may share common indo/euro root. So it makes good sense retain that connection. 

'Mendicant' is a good translation, and I think B. Sujato's intention was that it's a more gender neutral term than 'monk'. However, word web has:
That doesn't seem gender neutral to me. Buddhist 'monk', Shaolin 'monk', are pretty commonly understood terms in modern English, much more widely understood than 'mendicant' IMO, so I went with 'monk' for 'Bhikkhu', following Ven. Thanissaro.

saṅkhārā (fabrications) 

Ven. T renders sankhara as 'fabrications'. Bodhi has 'formations.' Sujato has 'choices', which works in some contexts but is doctrinally very  problematic. I was going to go with 'fabrications', but it sounds too 'physical' to me, so until I can settle on something better (likely never), I'm going with a literal 'co-doings', because that's a unique word that can be easily search-and-replaced in the future if needed. 'co-doings' sounds more like a non-physical activity, like an action, a verb.

4 Jhānas: Where insight 👁 happens

                V&V💭 vitakka & vicāra: thinking & evaluation

As of now,  2019-jan,  B. Sujato's rendering of V&V in first and second jhana, and kāya in third jhana is egregiously wrong. You can not do the four  jhanas  of the EBT properly by following his translation.  Detailed Pali+English audit with comments here:   V&V💭 vitakka & vicāra:

AN 2.20

“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā saddhammassa sammosāya antaradhānāya saṃvattanti.
“These two things, monks, lead to the decline and disappearance of the true teaching.
Katame dve?
What two?
Dunnikkhittañca padabyañjanaṃ attho ca dunnīto.
The words and phrases are misplaced, and the meaning is misinterpreted.
Dunnikkhittassa, bhikkhave, padabyañjanassa atthopi dunnayo hoti.
When the words and phrases are misplaced, the meaning is misinterpreted.
Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā saddhammassa sammosāya antaradhānāya saṃvattantī”ti.
These two things lead to the decline and disappearance of the true teaching.
“Dveme, bhikkhave, dhammā saddhammassa ṭhitiyā asammosāya anantaradhānāya saṃvattanti.
These two things lead to the continuation, persistence, and enduring of the true teaching.
Katame dve?
What two?
Sunikkhittañca padabyañjanaṃ attho ca sunīto.
The words and phrases are well organized, and the meaning is correctly interpreted.
Sunikkhittassa, bhikkhave, padabyañjanassa atthopi sunayo hoti.
When the words and phrases are well organized, the meaning is correctly interpreted.
Ime kho, bhikkhave, dve dhammā saddhammassa ṭhitiyā asammosāya anantaradhānāya saṃvattantī”ti.
These two things lead to the continuation, persistence, and enduring of the true teaching.”


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