Thursday, September 24, 2020

MN 125 agama parallel MA 198 調御地經 comparison, part 2

Part 2 of the article:

MN 125 agama parallel MA 198 調御地經 has some fascinating details about first jhana not in MN 125, through elephant similes

In this installment, I'll point out and comment on the specific things relevant to jhanas and vitakka that are in MN 198, but not in MN 125

The big difference between MA 198 and MN 125 on this section, is that 

1. MN 125 doesn't have that cool war elephant in live battle  simile (which ties it to the khamo/khanti samma samadhi suttas with the war elephant and thoroughbred horse). 

2. MN 125 places that passage about the resilient monk after one has attained imperturbable 4th jhana, and the 3 higher knowledges including arahantship, whereas MA 198 has it at imperturbable 4th jhana (meaning they don't necessarily have any noble attainments). MA 198 seems like the more correct reading between the two, since any non Buddhist with imperturbable 4th jhana quality of samadhi, can be fearless of pain and death, doesn't require any noble attainments.

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