from homepage
The quick link feature is on the line under the Sutta nikāya menu.
It allows you to pull up a book/sutta from an input such as "MN 17" by typing it in with the keyboard without having to navigate through menus without using mouse/touch screen.
1. Using keyboard, type a book and number into the input box (where it currently has default value of 'mn125').
2. Enter 'return' on the keyboard and it will load up the book.
3. Book/Sutta should now be open a new tab of the browser window.
The sutta quick link you type in with your keyboard:
1) Is not case sensitive
2) not sensitive about extra white spaces at beginning or ending of the input line.
3) not sensitive about white space between nikāya and sutta number. Both "mn 17" and "mn17" work.
quick linkable books
AN (1-11) = Aṅguttara Nikāya: numbered collection
DA (1-30) = Dīrgh'-āgama
Dhp (1-423) = Dhamma-pada
DN (1-34) : Dīgha Nikāya
G (#) = Goldcraft, the perfection of Samādhi
Iti (1-112) = Iti-vuttaka: Thus (was it) said
Kp (1-9) = Pāṭha, Khuddaka-pāṭha: short-reading
MA (1-222) = Madhyam-āgama 中阿含經
mab (1-222) BDK english translation of MA
MN (1-152): Majjhima Nikāya
O (#) = Only one way, to Rock
Q (#) = Qigong Gorilla
SA (1-1362) = Saṃyukt-āgama 雜阿含經
SN (1-56) = Saṃyutta Nikāya: connected group
Snp (1.1 - 5.18) = Sutta Nipāta: discourse - section, falling down, descending
Thag (1.1 - 21.1) = Thera-gāthā: Elder [monk] - verses
Thig (1.1 – 16.#) = Therī-gāthā: Elder [nun] - verses
Ud (1.1 – 8.#) = Udāna: [inspired] Utterances
Vb (1-13): Abhidhamma Vibhanga.
Examples of valid quicklinks
dn 25
dn 17
MN 117
mN 3
Mn 4
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