4๐☸ → ๐️ → Vism. = Visuddhi-magga

4.11.5 simile of cook, nimitta gets redefined as visual VRJ kasina
Vuttampi cetaแน bhagavatฤ – 122.And this has been said by the Blessed One:
(The cook sutta, SN 47.8, in EBT samฤdhi nimitta are not VRJ๐ป๐ฅถ visual kasinas! They are the 5 types of skillful Dharma thoughts & perceptions to abandon unskillful mental states MN 20)
Perfect image to capture the emotional and physical feeling of trying to attain Vism. and Ajahn Brahm "real first jhฤna"
Weekend at Buddhaghosa's: Buddha's Jhฤna Vs. VRJ๐ป๐ฅถ (Vism. Re-definition of Jhฤna)

contradictions found:
4.11.5 simile of cook, nimitta gets redefined as visual VRJ kasina
Vuttampi cetaแน bhagavatฤ – 122.And this has been said by the Blessed One:
(The cook sutta, SN 47.8, in EBT samฤdhi nimitta are not VRJ๐ป๐ฅถ visual kasinas! They are the 5 types of skillful Dharma thoughts & perceptions to abandon unskillful mental states MN 20)
4.15.5 gloss: sukhaรฑca kฤyena paแนญisaแนvedetฤซ: physical rลซpa-kฤya is included by 'kฤya'
Idฤni sukhaรฑca kฤyena paแนญisaแนvedetฤซti ettha kiรฑcฤpi tatiyajjhฤnasamaแน
gino sukhapaแนญisaแนvedanฤbhogo natthi. |
175. Now, as to the clause he feels bliss with his body: here, although in one actually possessed of the third jhฤna there is no concern about feeling bliss, |
Evaแน santepi yasmฤ tassa nฤmakฤyena sampayuttaแน sukhaแน. |
nevertheless he would feel the bliss associated with his mental body, |
Yaแน vฤ taแน nฤmakฤyasampayuttaแน sukhaแน,
taแนsamuแนญแนญhฤnenassa yasmฤ atipaแนฤซtena rลซpena rลซpakฤyo phuแนญo, yassa
phuแนญattฤ jhฤnฤ vuแนญแนญhitopi sukhaแน paแนญisaแนvedeyya. |
and after emerging from the jhฤna he would also feel bliss since his material body would have been affected by the exceedingly superior matter originated by that bliss associated with the mental body. 48 |
Tasmฤ etamatthaแน dassento sukhaรฑca kฤyena paแนญisaแนvedetฤซti ฤha. |
It is in order to point to this meaning that the words “he feels bliss with his body” are said. |
frankk Analysis of 4.15.5:
Vism. is equivocal about what kฤya means here, in the 3rd jhฤna formula.
They include both nฤma-kฤya and rลซpa kฤya as experiencing sukha.
However, they imply that while in appanฤ (frozen stupor of VRJ jhฤna), one does not feel the physical rลซpa kฤya, but only the mental nฤma-kฤya.
But after emerging from VRJ jhฤna, one would then also experience physical sukha of rลซpa kฤya.
So what are they claiming the Buddha meant by his instructions with 'kฤya' in 3rd jhฤna?
1. only nฤma-kฤya, which is what most LBT Vism., Abhidhamma, Sujato, Brahm will claim.
2. only rลซpa-kฤya, which is what genuine EBT jhฤna would say (excluding fake EBT of Sujato, Brahm).
3. Both nฤma-kฤya and rลซpa-kฤya, which is how Vism. reads to me. The problem is, the Buddha, in passages such as KN Snp 5.7, by explicitly referencing realizing nirvana by being freed from nฤma-kฤya while in dimension of nothingness, shows he does specify nฤma or rลซpa kฤya when it matters, and that when it's not in contexts such as Snp 5.7 formless dimension, we can safely assume unqualified rลซpa, is referring to adjhatta rลซpa (internal, meditator's physical body).
In other words, Position #1 is unsupportable, and position #3 is just dogmatic Abhidhamma followers desperately clutching at straws trying to equivocate an explanation that will harmonize the irreconciliable contradictions between EBT and LBT text.
Perfect image to capture the emotional and physical feeling of trying to attain Vism. and Ajahn Brahm "real first jhฤna"
Weekend at Buddhaghosa's: Buddha's Jhฤna Vs. VRJ๐ป๐ฅถ (Vism. Re-definition of Jhฤna)
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