Sunday, July 24, 2022

DN 33 viveka as 'seclusion' clearly doesn't fit here, in three types of wisdom section

 Viveka here should be 'discrimination' or ''discernment', not 'seclusion'

DN 33, Sujato translation

Tisso paññā—
Three kinds of wisdom:
sekkhā paññā, asekkhā paññā, nevasekkhānāsekkhā paññā. (42)
the wisdom of a trainee, the wisdom of an adept, and the wisdom of one who is neither a trainee nor an adept.
Aparāpi tisso paññā—
Another three kinds of wisdom:
cintāmayā paññā, sutamayā paññā, bhāvanāmayā paññā. (43)
wisdom produced by reflection, learning, and meditation.
Three weapons:
sutāvudhaṃ, pavivekāvudhaṃ, paññāvudhaṃ. (44)
learning, seclusion, and wisdom.
Three faculties:
anaññātaññassāmītindriyaṃ, aññindriyaṃ, aññātāvindriyaṃ. (45)
the faculty of understanding that one’s enlightenment is imminent, the faculty of enlightenment, and the faculty of one who is enlightened.
Tīṇi cakkhūni—
Three eyes:
maṃsacakkhu, dibbacakkhu, paññācakkhu. (46)
the eye of the flesh, the eye of clairvoyance, and the eye of wisdom.

1 comment:

  1. need to research the root words on that... To play devil's advocate... "seclusion" as a meaning would still be complementary and would definitely serve as a "weapon" to promote wisdom. But yeah "discernment" would fit btter overall with the meaning of everything else
