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This is why sati is NOT mindfulness

Face it, it's a lost cause.

The word 'mindfulness', which actually is a great translation and accurate, the way it was coined and originally intended, has been hijacked by  psychotherapy and watered down Buddhism.

These commonly accepted dictionary definitions below for 'mindfulness', completely loses the most important and basic aspect of sati in the EBT. To remember (sati) the Dharma instruction directly relevant to realizing Nirvana.

The problem is intractable. There is no point trying to re-educate people what sati/mindfulness really means. You're totally outnumbered, and convention will always be defined by the popular opinions.

Your best bet is to avoid the term 'mindfulness' completely, and stick with with the original pali, 'sati', or another English word like "remembering", "rememberfulness".


mind·​ful·​ness | \ ˈmīn(d)-fəl-nəs  \

Definition of mindfulness

1the quality or state of being mindful
2the practice of maintaining a nonjudgmental state of heightened or complete awareness of one's thoughts, emotions, or experiences on a moment-to-moment basisalso such a state of awareness

​a mental state achieved by concentrating on the present moment, while calmly accepting the feelings and thoughts that come to you, used as a technique to help you relax A therapist may teach mindfulness, a concept borrowed from Zen Buddhism. Mindfulness is a way for body and mind to reconnect.

cambridge dictionary:


noun [ U ]
 UK  /ˈmaɪnd.fəl.nəs/ US  /ˈmaɪnd.fəl.nəs/
the practice of being aware of your bodymind, and feelings in the presentmomentthought to create a feeling of calm:
Mindfulness can be used to alleviate feelings of anxiety and depression.


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