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unleashing the 7sb dragon

Dragon hidden underwater

If one doesn't practice 4sp remembering faculty assiduously, it's like a dormant dragon hidden underwater. Cool image here, notice the ying yang ☯ embedded.

File:Dragon TT-16.jpg

If you practice 4sp intermittently

It's like the dragon pokes it's head out of the water occasionally

Image result for dragon poking head out of water

If you practice 4sp assiduously, and slurp in 7sb

The hidden dragon steps out of the water, the whole body (7sb), not just the head (sati) is out in the open and ready to rumble.

Related image

If you get the hang of maintaining passadhi all the time while doing 7sb

Then 4 jhanas and samadhi are almost permanently switched on, and your dragon has taken flight.
Related image

SN 46.1 Himavantasutta: The Himalayas

♦ “ye te, bhikkhave, bhikkhū navā
“Monks, the new monks—
those who have not long gone forth,
adhunāgatā imaṃ dhamma-vinayaṃ,
who are newcomers in this Dhamma & Vinaya—
te vo, bhikkhave, bhikkhū
For those monks,
catunnaṃ satipaṭṭhānānaṃ
(regarding the) four remembrance-establishings,
bhāvanāya samādapetabbā nivesetabbā patiṭṭhāpetabbā.
should be encouraged, exhorted, & established (by you).
katamesaṃ catunnaṃ?
“Which four?
etha tumhe, āvuso,
‘Come, friends.
kāye kāy-ānupassino viharatha
(the) body as-the-body(he) continuously-sees; (he) abides [in that way]:
ātāpino sampajānā ekodibhūtā
(he is) ardent, a lucid-discerner, transcended-into-singularity,
(having become) undistractible-&-lucid,
(with) single-preoccupation-(in)-mind,
kāyassa yathā-bhūtaṃ ñāṇāya;
{for-the-knowledge-of} (the) body as-it-actually-is;
vedanāsu vedanānupassino viharatha
experienced-sensations as-experienced-sensations(he) continuously-sees; (he) abides [in that way]:
ātāpino sampajānā ekodibhūtā
(he is) ardent, a lucid-discerner, transcended-into-singularity,
(having become) undistractible-&-lucid,
(with) single-preoccupation-(in)-mind,
vedanānaṃ yathābhūtaṃ ñāṇāya
{for-the-knowledge-of} experienced-sensations as-it-actually-is;
citte cittānupassino viharatha
(the) mind as-the-mind(he) continuously-sees; (he) abides [in that way]:
ātāpino sampajānā ekodibhūtā
(he is) ardent, a lucid-discerner, transcended-into-singularity,
(having become) undistractible-&-lucid,
(with) single-preoccupation-(in)-mind,
cittassa yathābhūtaṃ ñāṇāya;
{for-the-knowledge-of} (the) mind as-it-actually-is;
dhammesu dhammānupassino viharatha
(the) Dhamma as-the-Dhamma(he) continuously-sees; (he) abides [in that way]:
ātāpino sampajānā ekodibhūtā
(he is) ardent, a lucid-discerner, transcended-into-singularity,
(having become) undistractible-&-lucid,
(with) single-preoccupation-(in)-mind,
dhammānaṃ yathābhūtaṃ ñāṇāya.
{for-the-knowledge-of} Dhamma as-it-actually-is;

Destruction of the Āsavas, from Māra's point of view:


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