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All the suttas where kāya and rūpa are both explicitly physical

5 suttas matching kāyo rūpī search

DN 2

Seyyathāpi, mahārāja, maṇi veḷuriyo subho jātimā aṭṭhaṃso suparikammakato accho vippasanno anāvilo sabbākārasampanno.
Suppose there was a beryl gem that was naturally beautiful, eight-faceted, with expert workmanship, transparent, clear, and unclouded, endowed with all good qualities.
Tatrāssa suttaṃ āvutaṃ nīlaṃ vā pītaṃ vā lohitaṃ vā odātaṃ vā paṇḍusuttaṃ vā.
And it was strung with a thread of blue, yellow, red, white, or golden brown.
Tamenaṃ cakkhumā puriso hatthe karitvā paccavekkheyya:
And someone with good eyesight were to take it in their hand and examine it:
‘ayaṃ kho maṇi veḷuriyo subho jātimā aṭṭhaṃso suparikammakato accho vippasanno anāvilo sabbākārasampanno;
‘This beryl gem is naturally beautiful, eight-faceted, with expert workmanship, transparent, clear, and unclouded, endowed with all good qualities.
tatridaṃ suttaṃ āvutaṃ nīlaṃ vā pītaṃ vā lohitaṃ vā odātaṃ vā paṇḍusuttaṃ vā’ti.
And it’s strung with a thread of blue, yellow, red, white, or golden brown.’
Evameva kho, mahārāja, bhikkhu evaṃ samāhite citte parisuddhe pariyodāte anaṅgaṇe vigatūpakkilese mudubhūte kammaniye ṭhite āneñjappatte ñāṇadassanāya cittaṃ abhinīharati abhininnāmeti.
In the same way, when their mind has become undistractify-&-lucidifyd in samādhi like this—purified, bright, spotless, rid of taints, pliable, workable, steady, and imperturbable—they extend it and project it toward knowledge and vision.
So evaṃ pajānāti:
‘ayaṃ kho me kāyo rūpī cātumahābhūtiko mātāpettikasambhavo odanakummāsūpacayo aniccucchādanaparimaddanabhedanaviddhaṃsanadhammo;

DN 10 Subha

(this is nearly same as DN 2, it's right after 4th jhana, while still in samadhi of 4th jhana, rupa+kaya examined)
3. Paññākkhandha
3. The Spectrum of Wisdom
Katamo pana so, bho ānanda, ariyo paññākkhandho, yassa bho bhavaṃ gotamo vaṇṇavādī ahosi, yattha ca imaṃ janataṃ samādapesi nivesesi patiṭṭhāpesī”ti?
But what, Master Ānanda, was that noble spectrum of wisdom that the Buddha praised?”
“So evaṃ samāhite citte parisuddhe pariyodāte anaṅgaṇe vigatūpakkilese mudubhūte kammaniye ṭhite āneñjappatte ñāṇadassanāya cittaṃ abhinīharati abhininnāmeti.
“When their mind has become undistractify-&-lucidifyd in samādhi like this—purified, bright, spotless, rid of taints, pliable, workable, steady, and imperturbable—they extend it and project it toward knowledge and vision.
So evaṃ pajānāti:
They understand:
‘ayaṃ kho me kāyo rūpī cātumahābhūtiko mātāpettikasambhavo odanakummāsūpacayo aniccucchādanaparimaddanabhedanaviddhaṃsanadhammo; idañca pana me viññāṇaṃ ettha sitaṃ ettha paṭibaddhan’ti.
‘This body of mine is physical. It’s made up of the four primary elements, produced by mother and father, built up from rice and porridge, liable to impermanence, to wearing away and erosion, to breaking up and destruction. And this consciousness of mine is attached to it, tied to it.’

MN 74

Ayaṃ kho panaggivessana, kāyo rūpī cātumahābhūtiko mātāpettikasambhavo odanakummāsūpacayo aniccucchādanaparimaddanabhedanaviddhaṃsanadhammo, aniccato dukkhato rogato gaṇḍato sallato aghato ābādhato parato palokato suññato anattato samanupassitabbo.
Aggivessana, this body is physical. It’s made up of the four primary elements, produced by mother and father, built up from rice and porridge, liable to impermanence, to wearing away and erosion, to breaking up and destruction. You should see it as impermanent, as suffering, as diseased, as an abscess, as a dart, as misery, as an affliction, as alien, as falling apart, as empty, as not-self.
Tassimaṃ kāyaṃ aniccato dukkhato rogato gaṇḍato sallato aghato ābādhato parato palokato suññato anattato samanupassato yo kāyasmiṃ kāyachando kāyasneho kāyanvayatā sā pahīyati.
Doing so, you’ll give up desire, affection, and subservience to the body.

MN 77

(same as DN 2 and DN 10)
‘ayaṃ kho me kāyo rūpī cātumahābhūtiko mātāpettikasambhavo odanakummāsūpacayo aniccucchādanaparimaddanabhedanaviddhaṃsanadhammo;
‘This body of mine is physical. It’s made up of the four primary elements, produced by mother and father, built up from rice and porridge, liable to impermanence, to wearing away and erosion, to breaking up and destruction.
idañca pana me viññāṇaṃ ettha sitaṃ ettha paṭibaddhaṃ’.
And this consciousness of mine is attached to it, tied to it.’
Seyyathāpi, udāyi, maṇi veḷuriyo subho jātimā aṭṭhaṃso suparikammakato accho vippasanno sabbākārasampanno;
Suppose there was a beryl gem that was naturally beautiful, eight-faceted, with expert workmanship, transparent and clear, endowed with all good qualities.
SN 55 vagga 3. About Sarakāni 3. Saraṇānivagga

Tassa mayhaṃ, bhante, tasmiṃ samaye mussateva bhagavantaṃ ārabbha sati, mussati dhammaṃ ārabbha sati, mussati saṃghaṃ ārabbha sati.
At that time I lose rememberfulness regarding the Buddha, the teaching, and the Saṅgha.
Tassa mayhaṃ, bhante, evaṃ hoti:
I think:
‘imamhi cāhaṃ samaye kālaṃ kareyyaṃ, kā mayhaṃ gati, ko abhisamparāyo’”ti?
‘If I were to die at this time, where would I be reborn in my next life?’”
“Mā bhāyi, mahānāma, mā bhāyi, mahānāma.
“Do not fear, Mahānāma, do not fear!
Apāpakaṃ te maraṇaṃ bhavissati apāpikā kālaṃkiriyā.
Your death will not be a bad one; your passing will not be a bad one.
Yassa kassaci, mahānāma, dīgharattaṃ saddhāparibhāvitaṃ cittaṃ sīlaparibhāvitaṃ cittaṃ sutaparibhāvitaṃ cittaṃ cāgaparibhāvitaṃ cittaṃ paññāparibhāvitaṃ cittaṃ, tassa yo hi khvāyaṃ kāyo rūpī cātumahābhūtiko mātāpettikasambhavo odanakummāsūpacayo aniccucchādanaparimaddanabhedanaviddhaṃsanadhammo.
Take someone whose mind has for a long time been imbued with faith, ethics, learning, generosity, and wisdom. Their body consists of form, made up of the four primary elements, produced by mother and father, built up from rice and porridge, liable to impermanence, to wearing away and erosion, to breaking up and destruction.
Taṃ idheva kākā vā khādanti gijjhā vā khādanti kulalā vā khādanti sunakhā vā khādanti siṅgālā vā khādanti vividhā vā pāṇakajātā khādanti;
Right here the crows, vultures, hawks, dogs, jackals, and many kinds of little creatures devour it.
yañca khvassa cittaṃ dīgharattaṃ saddhāparibhāvitaṃ … pe … paññāparibhāvitaṃ taṃ uddhagāmi hoti visesagāmi.
But their mind rises up, headed for a higher place.
Seyyathāpi, mahānāma, puriso sappikumbhaṃ vā telakumbhaṃ vā gambhīraṃ udakarahadaṃ ogāhitvā bhindeyya.
Suppose a person was to sink a pot of ghee or oil into a deep lake and break it open.
Tatra yā assa sakkharā vā kaṭhalā vā sā adhogāmī assa, yañca khvassa tatra sappi vā telaṃ vā taṃ uddhagāmi assa visesagāmi.
Its shards and chips would sink down, while the ghee or oil in it would rise up, headed for a higher place.


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