Tuesday, April 16, 2019

🧘🐢FLT : switching left/right full lotus posture with no hands

Here is a post with some

pictures of good and bad full lotus postures. 

("Bad" leading to back/knee pain if held too long)
(warning for monks: pictures of women in skimpy yoga attire in sitting posture)
(warning for nuns: pictures of topless male yogis)

In a good lotus posture:

* your legs and knees contact the ground.
* your back is straight
* everything, your whole body and mind,  is relaxed like soft tofu

In a really good lotus posture,

 that you can do really long sits for 1 hour, 2 hours, 3 hours...
* your hips, knees, everything is soft and relaxed, as relaxed as you're sitting in a chair or any sitting posture
* your spine is loose, soft, relaxed, like it's floating in a sack of ultra soft tofu, or even soy milk.
* your knees and legs contact the ground in FL, whether you sit with left leg on top of right leg,  or right leg on top of left.
* your hips are loose enough you can get into the FL posture without using your hands to bend your legs into position. You can fold the legs into FL as easily as you fold your arms across your chest into crossed lotus arms.

A video clip to demonstrate:

In this video, a yogi  is alternating between switching between left over right leg FL, and right leg over left, with no hands (hands holding cel phone camera filming themself)

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