Friday, April 5, 2019

SN 22.95 verse, our old friend jhāna and upekkha, S&S, all in cohoots

SN 22.95:
B.Sujato trans.
“Pheṇapiṇḍūpamaṃ rūpaṃ,
“Form is like a lump of foam;
vedanā bubbuḷūpamā;
feeling is like a bubble;
Marīcikūpamā saññā,
perception seems like a mirage;
saṅkhārā kadalūpamā;
co-doings like a banana tree;
Māyūpamañca viññāṇaṃ,
and consciousness like a magic trick:
so taught the Kinsman of the Sun.
Yathā yathā nijjhāyati,
However you contemplate them,
yoniso upaparikkhati;
examining them carefully,
Rittakaṃ tucchakaṃ hoti,
they’re void and hollow
yo naṃ passati yoniso.
when you look at them closely.

Here's my more literal translation

“Pheṇa-piṇḍ-ūpamaṃ rūpaṃ,
“(A) Foam-lump-(is)-similar (to) Form;
vedanā bubbuḷ-ūpamā;
experienced-sensations (and a) bubble-(are)-similar;
Marīcik-ūpamā saññā,
(a) mirage-(is)-similar (to) perceptions;
saṅkhārā kadal-ūpamā;
co-doings(and a) banana-tree-(are)-similar;
Māy-ūpamañca viññāṇaṃ,
(a) magic-trick-(is)-similar (to) consciousness:
so taught the Kinsman of the Sun.
Yathā yathā nij-jhāyati,
However however (you use) jhāna (to contemplate them),
yoniso upa-par-ikkhati;
(with) careful equanimous-observation;
Rittakaṃ tucchakaṃ hoti,
they’re void and hollow
yo naṃ passati yoniso.
when you look at them closely.

... and the end of the verse section, we see jhana, S&S, upekkha, viriya,  all operating simulateneously.  avekkheyya is a similar word to upekkha, 

Evaṃ khandhe avekkheyya,
in-such-away (should) aggregates (be)  examined,
bhikkhu āraddha-vīriyo;
(by a) monk (with) aroused-vigor
Divā vā yadi vā rattiṃ,
with lucid-discerning and rememberfulness
sampajāno paṭis-sato.
whether by day or by night.
Jaheyya sabba-saṃyogaṃ,
They should give up all fetters,
kareyya saraṇattano;
and make a refuge for themselves.
Carry-on (as if) raging-fire (on your) head,
patthayaṃ accutaṃ padan”ti.
aspiring to the imperishable state.”

So while you are in jhāna, there are 7 independent jhana factors operating (not 5), with highlighted items mentioned in the verse
(implied: pamojja and pīti would result from contact with inspiring monks)
(0. 👂 Bhikkhūnaṃ dhammaṃ sutvā)
0. 👂 listen to Dhamma [teaching] from a monk [and memorize it]
(1. 🐘 Sati: taṃ Dhammaṃ anus-sarati anu-vitakketi)
1. 🐘 that Dhamma [teaching] (he) recollects and thinks about
(2. 💭 Dhamma-vicaya: taṃ dhammaṃ paññāya, pa-vicinati pa-vicarati pari-vīmaṃsam-āpajjati )
2. 💭 that Dhamma discerning; he discriminates, evaluates, investigates
(3. 🏹 Vīriya: āraddhaṃ hoti vīriyaṃ a-sallīnaṃ.)
3. 🏹 his aroused vigor is not-slackening
(4. 😁 Pīti: Āraddha-vīriyassa uppajjati pīti nir-āmisā,)
4. 😁 his aroused vigor leads to arising of rapture not-carnal (of jhana)
(5. 🌊 Passaddhi: Pīti-man-assa, kāyo-pi passambhati, cittam-pi passambhati )
5. 🌊 with enraptured-mind, his body becomes pacified, his mind becomes pacified
(6. 🌄 Samādhi: Passaddha-kāyassa sukhino, cittaṃ samādhiyati.)
6. 🌄 with pacified body, he is in pleasure, mind becomes undistractable and lucid.
(7. 👁 Upekkha: so tathā-samāhitaṃ cittaṃ, sādhukaṃ ajjh-upekkhitā hoti)
7. 👁 he of such undistractable & lucid mind, thoroughly looks-upon-it-with-equanimity
(7 types of fruits, Nirvana)
Seven different levels of awakening results from proper practice of 7sb.

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