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sitting: yoga wedge and elevating spine

In contrast to the zabuton problem (see sitting posture: better off without zabuton, the p...), which decreases the desirable 90deg, if you're lacking in flexibility you want to go the other direction to relieve work and strain on core and lower back, which is to increase the angle from 90.

#1 the best, the simplest, cheapest, and most versatile way to accomplish this is sitting on a folded blanket. You can control the height and dimensions easily.

#2.: a yoga wedge, a 10$ piece of equipment works really well.  The improvement it offers over #1, is that it smoothes out, reduces and nearly elimnates the pressure points excerted on your legs,  created in the transition point between blanket and floor. 

I bought 3 different brand wedges from, have tried it out for about a month now. I don't need a wedge if I'm warmed up, spine is loose, legs and hips are soft and loose, but on cold days, or if I'm doing a really long sit and my spine starts to get tired, then I'll slip in a wedge for the low vertebrae spinal support.

You can see the dimensions and weight of the wedges here:

I bought the gaiam foam (2in high), hugger mugger foam (2in high), hugger mugger cork (1in high).

Gaiam and hugger mugger foam are almost exactly the same dimensions, both made in taiwan, for all we know maybe even the same exact thing. Probably not eco friendly material, but it is very light, and more comfortable to sit on than the harder cork.

But the cork wedge, what's nice about it is it's real natural material, porous insulating material, so it's breathable, warm air gets trapped inside. Downside is it's a lot heavier than the foam if you plan to transport it around frequently, and cork is easy to break and chip away (already accidentally chipped a fragment off the corner).

Hugger Mugger Cork Yoga Wedge cork, 1in high 
Hugger Mugger Foam Yoga Wedge hugger mugger foam (2in high)


  1. Very Very Informative Blog..!!! Keep Writing and Sharing The Amazing Content

    Best Yoga Foam Wedges


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