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Let's play a game: Russian doll, ditch the books, cel phone, paper and pencil

The premise of the game

You're going fully blind and deaf within one year. After that, the only Dhamma you can carry with you to use at your disposal is what you have memorized within the next 365 days.
You want to organize your memorized  Dhamma so it has multiple entry points, and generally a balanced tree so it's easy to navigate, find what you're looking for.

A complete set of Dhamma must contain all of these

yoniso manasikara
3am = 3 akusala mulani = The Unholy Trinity, also 3 aggi (fire)
4as ☸ = 4 ariya sacca = 4 Noble Truths
4bv ☮️= 4 Brahma vihāras = 4 Divine abidings
4dht = 4 dhātu = 4 elements/properties, rÅ«pa is defined as this. šŸŒŽšŸ’©šŸŒŠšŸŒ€šŸŒŖšŸ”„
4dht+ = 4 dhātu+ = some suttas expand 4dht to 5 or 6 elements
4ip šŸŒ•⚡= 4 iddhi-pāda = 4 Power bases
4ipx šŸŒ•⚡= 4 iddhi-pāda (extended formula) = 4ip + some instructions on luminosity, hindrances
4pd = 4 padhāna = 4 exertions (of 37bp), same definition as sammā vāyāmo
4sp = 4 sati-'paį¹­į¹­hāna = 4 remembrance establishings. Sati is not a choiceless awareness zombie šŸ§Ÿ.
4j = 4 jhānas šŸŒ• šŸ”—šŸ”Š Pali: 4 meditations (or absorptions)
4nt ☸ = 4 Noble Truths
5abi = 5 ariya bhavita indriya = Noble one's developed faculties, 5 masteries of perception, ariya iddhi superpower
5bal = 5 bala = 5 powers (of 37bp), functionally equivalent to 5ind (SN 48.43)
5ind = 5 indriya = 5 faculties (of 37bp): See SN 48 for 5ind definitions. AN 8.28 suggests for arahant, he has 5 indriya, while those on first 3 paths, in AN 4.163, they are 5 bala.
5k = 5 khandha = 5 aggregates
5niv = paƱca nÄ«varaį¹‡Ä = 5 hindrances
5uk = 5 upādāna khandha = 5 clinging aggregates    (R)    (V)    (S)    (S)    (V)
6ab šŸŒ•⚡☸ = 6 abhiƱƱa = 6 Special Knowledges. 4th jhāna, and then some. šŸ•“️šŸŒ€šŸŒŖšŸ’ŖšŸŒ¶️šŸ”„ | vimt.
6aya = 6 āyatana = 6 sense bases šŸ‘ -- šŸ‘‚ -- šŸ‘ƒ -- šŸ‘… -- šŸ‘„šŸ‘† -- šŸ’­
7sb = satta bojjh-aį¹…ga = 7 Awakening-Factors
8aam ☸ = 8 ariyo aį¹­į¹­haį¹…giko maggo = Noble Eightfold Path
9siv 9 cemetary contemplations šŸ’€ ⚰️ ⚱️ šŸ§Ÿ
12ps = 12 paį¹­icca sam-uppāda = 12 (links of) Dependent co-origination
12psn = 12 ps, nirodha = cessation of 12 (links of) Dependent co-origination
16 APS šŸŒ¬️ šŸ˜¤, APS 16,  APSS 16 = refers to 16 steps of APS
31asb šŸ§Ÿ = 31 a-subha = 31 un-attractive [body parts]
37bp = 37 bodhi pakkhiya = 37 awakening wings
APS = Ānā-pānā Sati  = Inhaling-exhaling Remembering; šŸ˜¤
APSS = Ānāpānā Sati Samādhi = Inhaling-exhaling Remembering for Undistractable-Lucidity
ASND šŸŒ•šŸŒŸ āloka saƱƱaį¹ƒ -> Ʊāį¹‡a das­sana = šŸŒ¤ šŸŒ£ Luminosity Perception -> knowledge & vision. That is, luminosity, visual light that you see with your eyes closed in meditation is used as the primary object of the samādhi practice. When developed to mastery along with 4j and 4ip, then the 6ab, manifestations of Ʊāį¹‡a das­sana (Knowledge and Vision),  are easily obtainable. Charge up 4th jhana so you got super bright light any time day or night šŸ• -- šŸ•‘ -- šŸ•’ -- šŸ•“ -- šŸ•” -- šŸ•• -- šŸ•– -- šŸ•— -- šŸ•˜ -- šŸ•™ -- šŸ•š -- šŸ•›
caį¹…kama šŸš¶ : walking meditation, jhana all 4 postures
eating šŸ²šŸ“šŸ„£: proper way of eating
illness & medicine: relevant suttas
marana-s-sati šŸ’€šŸ§Ÿ: death remembrance
kāya-gatā-sati: body-immersed-remembrance
sleeping: proper way of sleeping

Your starting point is a Russian Doll

example of russian doll with picture and video:
Come up with a short dhamma passsage or phrase that contains a single "russian doll", a favorite Dhamma word of yours that you often reflect in your mind, like "Buddho".

After the first russian doll, the remaining children nested dolls within can contain multiple dolls with magical infinite space. I.e. each child pulled out can contain multiple children, not just single child all the way in each level like a real russian doll.

example 1: maggo

Eseva maggo nattaƱƱo: This is the only path, there is no other.

My russian doll is maggo.
Maggo = 8aam, which pulls in 8 children: right view, right intention...
right view, contains the 4 noble truths
the 2nd noble truth, contains the 12p
And so on, until all the items in the complete Dhamma list above is covered.

example 2: Buddho

itipso, bhagava araham sambuddho...
he who sees the buddha, sees Dhamma
Dhamma = 4 noble truth
4th noble truth is the 8aam
sati is the 7th of 8aam
sati contains 16APS, kayagata-sati, maranasati, etc.
and so on.

Extra points awarded for integrating cool sutta quotes

and not just for the first doll, any children of the doll can incorporate a cool sutta passage, as a way to link a related term.

A simpler version of the game

Let me clarify something. The point isn't to just come up with a laundry list of what you think the most important Dhamma items are.

The point is, you're going to be blind and deaf, you can't read books, and listen to dhamma talks.
Once you've memorized what you consider the important Dhamma items,
it's the connections, the mental triggers, the synapses for the nerve cells in the brain memory that we're interested in.
You want to arrange the important Dhamma in your mental mind map that you can easily access whatever is relevant at any moment of your practice.
If you just do a rote laundry list memorized like a book, you're not going to be able to remember what you memorized and be able to access and use it when you need it in the moment.

I'll submit my example in the next week or two, so you'll get a better idea of what I mean.

This is a game, but it's not a game for me, it's what I'm actually doing. I recite 30-60 min everyday of memorized pali, and I'm constantly looking for more synapses and ways to connect all the dots to all the pieces of dhamma. Not just to make a better mental map, but because it leads to a clearer and deeper understanding. This is a feature of the oral tradition.

Here's a simpler version of the game, you'll get a better idea of what I mean about the synapses and making a mental memory map.
The essential list we want to build out contains just the 37bp, the 7 sets, the 37 factors that are wings to awakening. Only rule, your first doll can't be 37bp (the whole set). Your starting point can be any one of the 7 sets, or a single word like "buddho", that would lead to any of the other 7 sets.

So for example:
1. Buddho
2. 4NT: (tie in with pali quote) since one who sees the buddha sees the dhamma, and the 4nt are the sum of the dhamma.
3. 8aam: (synapse link) the 4th noble truth is the noble eightfold path

You'll find that some of the 7 sets in the 37bp don't have an immediately obvious tie in. And that's the part of the fun, and the challenge of this 'game'. To find many ways to make those connections. The reward is when it's time to apply them in life, you can, because you've already anticipated what situations and relevance it has to all your activities. A linear rote memorization is like carrying a book around with you all the time, that you have access to it, but each time you encounter a problem in life, you have to flip through the book and search for an answer.

This is my first attempt, not a complete submission yet.

First doll: appamada -assiduity.
The last words of the Buddha: "vaya Dhamma sankhara: appamadena sampadetha"ti ayam tathagatassa pacchima vaca."
"co-doings [and their products] vanishing are the natural law of Dhamma. appamada/Assiduously you must complete your task."
appamada is the simile of the elephants footprint, the foremost thing that all other kusala qualities fit under (with their smaller footprint).

2nd generation of dolls:
yoniso manasikara, like appamada, has been described as the leading cause, the boss, that leads to all other kusala/skillful Dhammas.

3rd generation of dolls:
yoniso manasikara, and a-yoniso manasikara, their default object of attention is respectively the 7sb awakening factors, and 5 hindrances.

4th gen:
1. 5 hindrances is used in a simile of 5 rivers that diverge from one mighty river (of samadhi).

5th gen:
another simile of rivers, there's a single river that has an island in the middle. So that part of the river bounded by the island, appears to have two rivers. Those two rivers, are 5bala/powers, and 5ind/faculties, and are actually one and the same river.

6th gen:
samadhi appears in the 5bal, 5ind, 7sb. Where's another place samadhi occurs? Just as we have 5 fingers and two hands, that represents 5bal and 5ind (no sutta that says that AFAIK, I just noticed that). The Buddha, in the simile of the raft, says we should use both of our hands to build a raft, to cross the ocean of dukkha and reach the island of nibbana. The 8aam is the raft, built by the labor of our two hands 5bal and 5ind.

Is there another place samadhi occurs?

Here's a 4x4 matrix to find the missing piece.
4pd padhana/exertion, another set in the 37bp, is equivalent to viriya in 5bal and 5ind, 7sb->viriya-sb, and right effort in 8aam.
by means of 4pd, we purify the 4th jhana to make it imperturbable, to realize the 4 noble truths (arahantship).
4 x 4 x 4
The Buddha has a pericope to describe that. The 4ip iddhi-pada power-bases.

4ip = 4pd x 4j x 4nt


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