Monday, May 6, 2019

no free lunch: Semen retentive sex and Buddhist practice

Re: Semen retentive sex and Buddhist practice

Post by frank k » Mon May 06, 2019 9:30 am
squizzlebizzle wrote: 
Sun May 05, 2019 9:48 pm
… I am curious the general consensus here on semen retention.
If you have nocturnal emission without lustful thoughts, the ejaculation is harmless.
That is according to Taoist immortals, and also you can know from your own experience.
All cells in the body die, the longest life span of any cell is 7 years (brain cell).
An average person has about 60 trillion cells.
Everyday billions of cells die.

Women lose cells on a monthly basis with their menstruation, even women Arahants.
Even Male Arahants, will have nocturnal emissions without lust, from time to time, whether once a year, once every few months, depending on how much they eat and the nutrient density quality of what they eat.
Since reproducing the species is number one or number two on the list of biological imperatives,
it's to be expected the body will shed stale cells and replace with new cells to ensure healthy reproduction.
Arahants have to eat, sleep, and crap, it's hard to believe they would be exempt from menstruation and nocturnal emissions (with no lustful thoughts).

But what is really harmful is having lustful thoughts. That's where the real vital precious internal energy is lost.
You can know for yourself what the energetic cost is through experience. If you keep 8 precepts (or vinaya) purely, meditate well with high quality of samadhi, you'll need less and less sleep (4 hrs or less a day), need to eat less, yet be more energetic and sharp. With that as a reference point, you'll know and feel what the energetic cost of having strong lustful thoughts and any kind of negative thought can be (hate, anger, fear, etc).

To the extent that lustful thoughts cause ejaculation, whether immediately, hours later, or even days later via noctural emission, semen retention is a crude indicator of preserving precious internal energy and sublimating that energy into spiritual energy.

And those who promote ways and teach enjoying passionate sex without ejaculation and supposedly recycling that energy for spiritual purposes, they will go to hell for teaching wrong views that cause great harm. There is no free lunch in the universe. The only way to sublimate precious internal energy for spiritual purposes, is to not waste the precious internal energy in the first place by having lustful thoughts. It's a non-refundable purchase. You can't have lustful thoughts, which cause an immediate chain reaction of generating all kinds of sexual fluids, you can feel your belly area buzzing like a beehive the very moment you have a lustful thought, in proportion to the magnitude of the lust. There is no magic way to reverse that energetic process. It's a non-refundable purchase. You can't redirect that energy back up your spine and recycle it for spiritual purposes.

At best, someone who is a qigong adept can generate and retain so much more vital internal energy than an ordinary person, that they can afford the tax and expense of some sexual activity from time to time. Even at an advanced age, they may be capable of being more virile and sexually active than an ordinary person, just like a billionaire can afford to eat at an expensive restaurant frequently while an average person only once in a while. But there is no recycling of energy lost through lustful thoughts. You can't get something for nothing. Having tantric sex and preventing ejaculation will just give you long term health problems, even though short term there may be an illusion of energy gain, or non-loss. Like someone taking amphetamines, caffeine, etc. There's no free lunch in the universe.

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