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unsolved mysteries, unanswered questions, unsatisfying answers

A collection of questions that have no answers yet, or only unsatisfying answers proposed so far.

AN 7.64 kodhana (anger), case 3 of 7 unclear what is meant by “profit” or “loss”, and how exactly that sabotages what angry person wants

AN 6.20 (un)intentional humor? "a centipede bite might kill me, that would be inconvenient"

In Pali, is there a general rule for how to translate/interpret negations, e.g. (subha, asubha)

upekkha relationship to kamma-saka (owner of ones actions)

What sutta actually equates 8 spokes of a Dhamma Wheel with noble eight fold path?

Post by frank k » Sat Jun 29, 2019 9:24 am
SN 56.11, according to tradition, the first sutta, Dhamma-cakka-pavattana (dhamma wheel turning)
doesn't ever explicitly say the Dhamma wheel is the 8 factors of 8aam, or how many spokes are in the wheel. Is there actually a sutta that states this, or is this just an assumption we've all made?

what sutta passage give detailed meaning of mudita in 4bv brahma-viharas?

Post by frank k » Wed Jun 19, 2019 12:34 am ... s-for.html

pa-mojja and piti often occur together, almost like synonyms.
(mudita is closely related to pa-mojja).

There are a number of passages where pamojja and piti has the role of being delighted, gladdened, in the context of 7sb awakening factors, that one's viriya and right effort are purifying the mind and sila.

But are there any sutta passages that explicitly establish the mudita as a 4bv factor, has the same function, in delighting in virtue and purification?

In Vimuttimagga, it also states that mudita is delighting in virtue.

But in Vism., it seems to go off on tangents, of being a type of joy in opposition to the negative emotion of jealousy. I'm interested in EBT passages that can justify Vism's tangent, or give explicit support for Vimt. interpretation, and the connection to 7sb piti-sambojjhanga and pa-mojja.

I think this is the solution

AN 3.95 Parisā-sutta

(7sb+ sequence)

Yasmiį¹ƒ, bhikkhave, samaye bhikkhÅ« samaggā sammodamānā avivadamānā khÄ«rodakÄ«bhÅ«tā aƱƱamaƱƱaį¹ƒ piyacakkhÅ«hi sampassantā viharanti,
When the mendicants live in harmony like this,
bahuį¹ƒ, bhikkhave, bhikkhÅ« tasmiį¹ƒ samaye puƱƱaį¹ƒ pasavanti.
they make much merit.
Brahmaį¹ƒ, bhikkhave, vihāraį¹ƒ tasmiį¹ƒ samaye bhikkhÅ« viharanti,
At that time the mendicants live in a holy dwelling,

(4bv mudita causes pīti!)

yadidaį¹ƒ muditāya ceto-vimuttiyā.
that is, the heart’s release by rejoicing.
Pa-muditassa pīti jāyati,
When you’re joyful, rapture springs up.
pīti-manassa kāyo passambhati,
When the mind is full of rapture, the body becomes tranquil.
passaddha-kāyo sukhaį¹ƒ vediyati,
When the body is tranquil, you feel bliss.
sukhino cittaį¹ƒ samādhiyati.
And when you’re blissful, the mind becomes immersed in samādhi.

difference between byāpāda, āghāta, vihesa, vihi.msa?

Post by frank k » Thu Jul 04, 2019 8:47 am
B.Bodhi and B.Sujato render āghāta as 'resentment'.
B.Thanissaro has "ill will".

PED seems like it could be stronger than just 'anger' or 'resentment', but more like vihesa or 'wish to harm'

I remember a thread a few years back where Ven. Kumara asked what is the difference between Samma Sankappo's (right resolve's)
2nd and 3rd factors (byapada vs. vihimsa).

Anyone know where that thread is? Dhamma Wheel topic searches, I can never find anything.

Can Arahants dream? Sutta sources?

Why did Vism.'s Buddhaghosa burn all of the Sri Lanka commentaries?

Post by frank k » Wed Feb 19, 2020 7:40 am
Why did Buddhaghosa burn all of the Sri Lanka commentaries?
This was after he had translated it from Sinhala to Pali.

I suspect there were competing schools with contradicting commentaries, and this was a move to select one school of thought and eliminate the competition. What's the official reason given for the burning?

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