Saturday, April 25, 2020

jhāna constipation: low flow and commando 450

Not everyone is going to experience obvious outward involuntary body shaking in their meditation when they do jhāna properly. But you should be feeling forces inside the body, causing vibrations where energy channels are not fully open. If you're not feeling strong forces, and flow of energy such as heat, electricity, water flow, or air expansion, or gooey magnetic forces, then it's because you're jhana battery is not charged. (See other jhana constipation articles for more detail).

For lay people who aren't celibate and don't keep 8 precepts, your batteries are never going to get charged. You're going to be like the Seinfeld gang here having their normal shower heads replaced with low flow, low water pressure shower heads. Watch the first 60 seconds of this video, note their hair before the low flow heads are installed, and after.

For yogis who maintain brahmacariya (celibacy) purely, not even having lustful thoughts, and staying in noble silence (2nd jhana or better) throughout most of the day, their jhana batteries get charged up quickly (100+ days should feel dramatically different), and the internal forces feel like the shower head being replaced with a high water pressure model, as this short video clip demonstrates:

There's a reason the 2nd jhana simile (AN 5.28) is a lake with no outlets (5 hindrances leaking energy), and the water is fed internally from the spring below. If you've ever sat in a hot spring, sitting with the base of your spine right on top of the spring jet, the water that shoots up your back feels like first and 2nd jhana with hydraulic forces and water flow circulating the microcosmic orbit.

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