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The important role of 'slurp'🥤 in memory retention and oral tradition

Definition of  'slurp'🥤: a key word or phrase that incorporates a formula or teaching detailed elsewhere in EBT

The technical sense of the word slurp I'm going to adopt, is derived from this concept.
In some programming languages, when you 'slurp' a large portion of data into a single word, it's like the 'slurp' sounds one makes, is signalling that one is about to finish consuming the entirety of a glass of fluid, due to the last few drops of fluid mixed with air making a sloshing sound against the straw.

Similarly, in the EBT (early buddhist text) and oral traditions, often a keyword is meant to 'slurp' in a large formula or portion of text/teaching.

  (in case people from the distant future look at that picture and have no idea what it means, it's a person consuming a fluid beverage through the pink straw, by using suction to extract the fluid from the glass and pull it up into the mouth to swallow). 


1. the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation of the sound associated with it (as buzz, hiss)
2. the use of words whose sound suggests the sense



verb: slurp; 3rd person present: slurps; past tense: slurped; past participle: slurped; gerund or present participle: slurping

    eat or drink (something) with a loud sloppy sucking noise.
    "she slurped her coffee"

noun: slurp; plural noun: slurps

    a loud sucking sound made while eating or drinking.
    "she drank it down with a loud slurp"

slurp (in some computer programming languages)

To read in a large file of data into a single word (named variable).

'Slurp' in EBT (Early Buddhist Texts) oral tradition teaching transmission

Maybe there is a technical term for this concept that already exists. Does anyone know what that is, or can confirm there is not?

In an oral tradition, where all the teachings are memorized, it's important to have a scheme to memorize, organize, and navigate and access the teachings from one's mental mind map. 'Slurp'ing is one such technique.


1. four noble truths, 4th truth slurps in noble eightfold path factors

§1. Dukkha 1💩 Pain-(& Suffering) 苦 | 5uk | 6aya
§2. Dukkha-samudayaṃ 2💩🐣 | Pain's-origination 集
§3. Dukkha-nirodhaṃ 3💩🚫 | Pain's-cessation 滅
§4. Dukkha-nirodha-gāminī paṭipadā 4☸ | Pain's-cessation:-way (of) practice 道

4th noble truth is defined as:

“katamañca, bhikkhave,
“And-what, monks, (is)
dukkha-nirodha-gāminī paṭipadā ariya-saccaṃ?
pain-&-suffering's-cessation,-going-to-it, (the)way-of-practice, (as a) noble-truth?
ayam-eva ariyo aṭṭh-aṅgiko maggo,
it-(is)-this noble eight-fold path,  (👑8☸)
seyyathidaṃ —
that-is -
sammā-diṭṭhi sammā-saṅkappo
Right view, right resolve,
sammā-vācā sammā-kammanto sammā-ājīvo
right speech, right action, right livelihood,
sammā-vāyāmo sammā-sati sammā-samādhi.
right effort, right remembering, right undistractible-lucidity.
idaṃ vuccati,bhikkhave,
This (is) called, *********,
dukkha-nirodha-gāminī paṭipadā ariya-saccaṃ.
pain-&-suffering's-cessation,-going-to-it, (the)way-of-practice, (as a) noble-truth.

The the 4th noble truth 'slurps' in  (👑8☸) eight factors of  noble eightfold path into the single word 'magga' (path).

2.  first factor of (👑8☸) eight factors of  noble eightfold path, slurps in 4 noble truths

 (👑8☸)   1👁   2💭   3💬   4🏃   5👑   6🏹   7🐘   8🌄

👑8☸ → 1👁 Sammā-diṭṭhi


STED sammā-diṭṭhi

“katamā ca, bhikkhave, sammā-diṭṭhi? yaṃ kho, bhikkhave,
What **, *********, (is) right-view? *** *** *********
dukkhe ñāṇaṃ,
pain-&-suffering; knowledge (of that)
Dukkha-samudaye ñāṇaṃ,
pain-&-suffering's-origination; knowledge (of that)
Dukkha-nirodhe ñāṇaṃ,
pain-&-suffering's-cessation; knowledge (of that)
Dukkha-nirodha-gāminiyā paṭipadāya ñāṇaṃ —
pain-&-suffering's-cessation-way (of that) practice; knowledge (of that)
ayaṃ vuccati, bhikkhave, sammā-diṭṭhi.
this is-called; *****; right-view.

2b. Note the important recursive relationship between #1 and #2.

1. 4th noble truth ←  🥤 ←   noble eightfold path  (👑8☸)
2. right view, the first factor of (👑8☸)  ←  🥤 ←  (knowledge of ) the four noble truths 4👑☸

3. in STED 🐘 sammā-sati = 4sp, 'ātāpī' slurps in right effort  formula

👑8☸ → 7🐘 Sammā Sati

  (👑8☸)   1👁   2💭   3💬   4🏃   5👑   6🏹   7🐘   8🌄  

STED 4sp

kāye kāyā-(a)nu-passī viharati
Body-as-body – continuous-seeing (he) abides-in,
ātāpī sampajāno satimā,
(he is) ardent 🏹, (a) lucid-discerner 👁, (a) rememberer 🐘,
vineyya loke abhijjhā-do-manassaṃ;
vanquishing worldly avarice-(and)-distressed-mental-states.
vedanāsu vedanā-(a)nu-passī viharati
Experienced-sensations-(as)-experienced-sensations – continuous-seeing (he) abides-in
ātāpī sampajāno satimā,
(he is) ardent 🏹, (a) lucid-discerner 👁, (a) rememberer 🐘,
vineyya loke abhijjhā-do-manassaṃ;
vanquishing worldly avarice-(and)-distressed-mental-states.
citte cittā-(a)nu-passī viharati
Mind-as mind – continuous-seeing (he) abides-in,
ātāpī sampajāno satimā,
(he is) ardent 🏹, (a) lucid-discerner 👁, (a) rememberer 🐘,
vineyya loke abhijjhā-do-manassaṃ;
vanquishing worldly avarice-(and)-distressed-mental-states.
dhammesu dhammā-(a)nu-passī viharati
☸Dhamma-[teachings]-as-☸Dhamma – continuous-seeing (he) abides-in,
ātāpī sampajāno satimā,
(he is) ardent 🏹, (a) lucid-discerner 👁, (a) rememberer 🐘,
vineyya loke abhijjhā-do-manassaṃ;
vanquishing worldly avarice-(and)-distressed-mental-states.

♦ “saṃvaro ca pahānañca,
restraint and abandoning, (these 4 words are 1 word slurps for each of the 4 right efforts)
bhāvanā anurakkhaṇā.
development (and) protection.
♦ ete padhānā cattāro,
these {four} exertions
(were) taught by- -the kinsman of the sun.
♦ yehi bhikkhu idh’ātāpī,
that monk here, ardent,
khayaṃ dukkhassa pāpuṇe”ti.
(the) destruction (of) suffering (he) reaches.

4.  First jhāna's seclusion from kāma (sensual pleasures) is slurped from AN 6.63

and equated with STED
Standard EBT Definitions. EBT = Early Buddhist Texts. → 5kg kāma-guṇā  
and this most important explicit explanation of that in the context of EBT and first jhana
kāyaviññeyyā phoṭṭhabbā iṭṭhā kantā manāpā piyarūpā kāmūpasaṃhitā rajanīyā.
Touches known by the body that are likable, desirable, agreeable, pleasant, sensual, and arousing.
Api ca kho, bhikkhave, nete kāmā kāmaguṇā nāmete ariyassa vinaye vuccanti—
However, these are not sensual pleasures. In the training of the noble one they’re called ‘kinds of sensual stimulation’.
Saṅkappa-rāgo purisassa kāmo,
Greedy intention is a person’s sensual pleasure.
Nete kāmā yāni citrāni loke;
The world’s pretty things aren’t sensual pleasures.
Saṅkapparāgo purisassa kāmo,
Greedy intention is a person’s sensual pleasure.
Tiṭṭhanti citrāni tatheva loke;
The world’s pretty things stay just as they are,
Athettha dhīrā vinayanti chandanti.
but a wise one removes desire for them.


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