AN 3.60 Saṅgārava: (name of brahman): which of the 3 powers is best, 1. supernormal, 2. 4 types of psychic power, 3. miracle of instruction? connection: there are 360 degrees in a circle and sphere, suggestive of how the psychic power of mind reading is like having eyes that can see all around and everywhere.
AN 3.69 A-kusala-mūla: un-skillful-roots: The Trinity of unholy roots, AKA The Un-holy Trinity: “tīṇi-māni, bhikkhave, a-kusala-mūlāni... lobho ... doso ... moho... connection: 3, 6, 9, are powers of 3. 3 raised to the powers of 1, 2, 3, are 3, 6, 9. The exponential relationship and proliferation of the 3 unholy trinity proliferating is the message. Evil doesn't just grow slowly in a linear way, it explodes like a pandemic virus and kills all in its path.
MN 111: The sutta title is "one after another", and the topic seeing all the factors of jhana and samadhi arising 'one after another'.
SN 12: samyutta nikaya 12, the subject is the 12ps paticca samuppada dependent co-origination
SN 45.8: The eight sutta in SN 45, is the definitive sutta on the noble eightfold path.
11: These go to eleven
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