Saturday, June 6, 2020

10 minute video, profiles several cases of rebirth.

10 minute video, profiles several cases of rebirth.

Post by frank k » 

10 minute video, profiles several cases of rebirth.
It's in Chinese. Any fluent speaker able to give a summary? Especially the details that would shed light on the proof, and also what type of karma led to that type of rebirth.
The friend who forwarded me the link, mentioned two stories from there.
1. A former Chinese monk, was reborn as a dog, as pictured in the video with the amputated back legs.
2. A husband who died, came back to his wife as the parrot pictured. He (as the parrot) spoke to her in her native language, explaining some specific details to prove he was the husband, such as knowing the exact date of their wedding.

post reply10 minute video, profiles several cases of rebirth.

from DiamondNgXZ via /r/Buddhism sent 

Thanks for sharing! It's as you summarized above.

The dog cried when the senior monk said that the dog's previous life was a monk who broke some precept.

The parrot's birthday was the same day the husband died, the wife never taught the name of the husband to the parrot, the parrot insist on calling itself the name of the dead husband and bring up details of their wedded life that the wife never taught it. Her co workers taught she is crazy, but experts verified the case somehow.

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