So here's my primer, which takes a totally different and pragmatic approach. This is for people with skin in the game. You are fully invested in the Buddha, have total conviction in the Dharma, and this is a way of life and not an academic exercise or merely an interesting hobby.
That being the case, there are important vocabulary words you'll need to learn and commit to memory.
You'll learn like kids learning languages naturally. By listening, memorizing what you hear, repeating it many times, thinking about it, and intuiting the grammar rules and conjugations from actively using it.
You won't regret memorizing any words in my pali primer.
Lesson #1. Memorize these short suttas and recite them every day at least once. As you recite each pali word, use V&V (vitakka and vicara, thinking and evaluation).
Vitakka thinks about the quick superficial meaning of the pali word you're reciting, and knows (sampajano, lucid discerning) to the extent you've accurately recalled from your memory (sati) that word you're reciting is accurate, not uncertain.
Vicara thinks about the meaning of that word (or phrase) a little more deeply (cara, vi-cara means to explore, wander).
The Dhamma is to be learned and applied. People with skin in the game need to prioritize. You might die tomorrow. So getting the teaching, the meaning, and applying it, and committing it to memory (so if you die you can remember it in your next life) is of primary importance. The nitpicky grammar rules you'll be able to intuit and learn as needed. The vocabulary and meaning is the important part to get first.
KN Kp 1: saraṇattayaṃ: going for refuge
♦ 1. saraṇattayaṃ n
| |
♦ buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (to the) Buddha (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (to the) Dharma (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (to the) Sangha (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ dutiyam-pi buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (for a) second-time-also: (to the) Buddha (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ dutiyam-pi dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (for a) second-time-also: (to the) Dharma (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ dutiyam-pi saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (for a) second-time-also: (to the) Sangha (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ tatiyam-pi buddhaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (for a) third-time-also: (to the) Buddha (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ tatiyam-pi dhammaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (for a) third-time-also: (to the) Dharma (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ tatiyam-pi saṅghaṃ saraṇaṃ gacchāmi.
| (for a) third-time-also: (to the) Sangha (as a) refuge (I) go. |
♦ saraṇattayaṃ VAR niṭṭhitaṃ.
| refuge-going [discourse] (is) finished. |
KN Kp 2: dasa-sikkhāpadaṃ: ten-training rules
🔗🔊: (link to audio for 10 precepts at slow speed, 8 precepts at 40 seconds normal conversation speed)
♦ 2. dasa-sikkhāpadaṃ
| Ten-training-rules [discourse] |
♦ 1. pāṇ-ātipātā
| 1. {killing}- living-beings; |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 2. a-dinn’-ādānā
| 2. [that which is] not-given-, taking (it); |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 3. a-brahmacariyā
| 3. Non-chastity [not even a single lustful tought]; |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 4. musā-vādā
| 4. False-speech; |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 5. surāmeraya-majja-pamād-aṭṭhānā
| 5. alcoholic-beverages,(and)-intoxicants-(that cause)-heedless-behavior; |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 6. vi-kāla-bhojanā
| 6. wrong-time-eating [after noon up to sunrise]; |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 7. nacca-gīta-vādita-visūkadassanā
| 7. dancing – singing – (listening to) music – watching-shows; |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 8. mālā-gandha-vilepana-dhāraṇa-maṇḍana-vibhūsanaṭṭhānā
| 8. garlands – scents – cosmetics - , wearing – ornamenets – adornments; |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 9. uccā-sayana-mahā-sayanā
| 9. high-beds – luxurious-beds; |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ 10. jātarūpa-rajata-paṭiggahaṇā
| 10. gold – , silver - , receiving (it), [including cash, equivalent currency] |
veramaṇī-sikkhā-padaṃ samādiyāmi.
| abstaining (from it) – (this) training-precept (I) undertake. |
♦ dasasikkhāpadaṃ VAR niṭṭhitaṃ.
| Ten-training-rules [discourse] (is) finished. |
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