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in the 4ip iddhi-pāda: what's the relationship between citta in 4ip and citta in satipaṭṭhāna 3rd frame?


Re: I figured out what citta samādhi in 4ip (iddhi-pāda) actually means

Post by frank k » 

Neo wrote: Mon Oct 07, 2024 7:20 amIs there a difference between chitta samaadhi & chittaanupashyanaa?
There's a big difference between the 3rd satipaṭṭhāna and the 3rd iddhi-pāda.
satipaṭṭhāna is about remembering and applying Dharma every moment.
In the 3rd frame, it's seeing the mind as a mind truly is, rather than following the unskillful impulses of a deluded mind.

The 4 iddhipāda are about how one uses right effort, equivalent to the vīriya awakening factor, and also in the 5 indriya and bala,
to perfect four jhānas to the point we can exercise any up to all of the 6 higher knowledges (psychic powers, up to arahantship).

As the four jhānas all contain sati and sampajāno, thus 3rd satipaṭṭhāna is contained in all 4 jhānas and 7 perception attainments.
So if you want to find a relationship between the two, it's that the 3rd iddhipāda (all 4 iddhipāda as well)
are going to be actively practicing 3rd satipaṭṭhāna.

Whereas someone practicing 3rd jhāna might not be practicing any of the iddhipāda, or have any sāmadhi quality of the 4 jhānas.

Re: I figured out what citta samādhi in 4ip (iddhi-pāda) actually means

Post by frank k » 

Neo wrote: Tue Oct 08, 2024 5:14 am...
So 3rd iddhopada tells how to do chittapanushayana in a right way, correct?

Any 1 sutta (1st preference to majjhima nikaya) where I can read about idhipada and citta samadhi?

Is this related to MN 117?
SN 51 is dedicated to the topic of iddhi pāda.
I can't think of any MN suttas that talk about it, other than simply naming it in a list of things.

> So 3rd iddhopada tells how to do chittapanushayana in a right way, correct?

sati is about remembering to apply Dhamma every moment, "seeing the mind as a mind truly is", as the formula goes (citte citta anupassi viharati).

the 3rd iddhi pāda is how the mind can be used skillfully to successfully attain the 6 higher knowledges.
So to answer your question there can be overlap, but not necessarily.
For example, the first 5 higher knowledges aren't necessary for awakening.
So it's possible to use 3rd iddhipāda to develop first 5 higher knowledges out of vanity or in a way that forgets the main purpose of the Dhamma is to realize the 6th knowledge (full awakening).


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