This is a sequel to:
sword of samādhi: "It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing!"At the sight of the blade (Real Buddha's Jhāna),
Demons of defilement keep their distance.

The demons also respect this sword, but know the wielder has no idea how to swing it.
That's because all he knows how to do is freeze up and go into a state where the 5 senses of the body shut off. (Ajahn Brahm and Vism. method of corrupt "jhāna")

Buddha's genuine jhāna
Ajahn Brahm and Vism. "Jhāna"

Buddha's Jhāna
The demons of lust, anger, delusion know they have no chance in a direct confrontation with the jhāna warrior.Their only hope is to patiently watch and wait for subtle and hidden defilements to exploit and nurture, playing the long game.
Ajahn Brahm and Vism. counterfeit jhāna
They walk right up to the swordsman, laugh at him, taunt him, give him a wedgie.
Then they take his blade of samatha away, and use it against him!
The demon kings of delusion use the power of stillness (Ajahn Brahm translation of 'samādhi') to persuade the clueless meditator
to cling tenaciously to wrong views,
ignore all evidence counter to their deeply held dogma,
come up with ridiculous brahm'splanations to justify their view,
misleading and deceiving themselves and gullible companions.
Right jhāna
has sati, pañña, sammā samādhi conjoined and operating in unison.Right view, right undistractible lucidity,
right remembering and applying of Dhamma
working simultaneously in harmony (SN 47.4, MN 117, many others).
While doing jhāna in all postures and activities,
right view would recognize mistakes, wrong views,
and abandon them in a timely manner.
Wrong jhāna
uses the strength of samatha to stubbornly cling to wrong views,and by divesting itself of right view and sati,
which can not be operating at the same time
as "the stillness" of wrong jhāna.
The samatha works against the wrong jhāna meditator,
as right view, right thinking (vitakka) are never allowed to do their job
in evaluating one's own mind, motivations, biases, and so forth.
The (real) jhāna meditator, doesn't even need to unsheathe their blade
Demons don't want any part that
Real Jhāna warriors are undistractible, lucidly discerning (Buddha's definition of 'samādhi'),
always remembering and applying the appropriate Dharma every moment,
whatever posture or activity they're doing,
whether eyes open or closed,
jhāna blade sheathed or dancing, hidden or overt,
whether in a serene, still posture, or dynamic activity,
real jhāna is ready on a moment's notice to take care of business.
sword of samādhi: "It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing!"
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