Friday, September 13, 2024

sword of samādhi: "It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing!" (comparing various Buddhist meditation systems)

 The dry insight "sword" of samādhi 

That sword is not looking too sharp. 
While the dry insight warrior is armored,
guarding the sense doors diligently mentally noting all the defilements every moment,
that spoon sword is not going to do any damage against the really big monsters and demons.
You could beat very minor demons with the spoon and stun them for a short time, 
and maybe scoop the poop of the bigger monsters,
but you're never going to deal a death blow to the defilements with that thing.

Another dry insight meditator here. 
Weapon of choice is a bamboo spatula instead of shiny serving spoon.
Quiver of arrows have no sharp tips.
Spear has no sharp tip.
You could maybe hurt some mosquitoes with that spatula?

Too much vipassana, not enough samatha,
resulting in toothless, unsharpened, unlethal weapons.
Without enough samatha, insights will be superficial.

 Visuddhi-magga and Ajahn Brahm sword of samādhi:

It's shiny and sharp!

The VRJ and BRJ meditator spends most of the day sitting down, 
sharpening their swords,
polishing and stroking their blades for hours on end,
becoming masters of their domain in samatha.

The problem is, 
 "It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got that swing!"
You can have the sharpest blade, shiniest (nimitta) in the world,
but if you never actually practice using the sword to fight against defilements,
it's not worth much.
Too much time mastering samatha,
not enough time swinging the sword (vipassana/insight).
Swing it, brother swing.


Correct EBT translation and interpretation of the Buddha's Jhāna

all factors of noble eightfold path and seven awakening factors developed in unison, 
holistically, organically, 
according the Buddha's words.
Samatha and Vipassana yoked evenly.
Now this is a sword of samādhi.


It don't mean a thing,
if it ain't got that swing.

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