Thursday, September 12, 2024

There’s only one way, to rock


There’s only one way, to rock

Dhp 273

♦ maggān-aṭṭh-aṅgiko seṭṭho,
(Of all) paths,-(the)-Eight-fold [Path] (is) supreme;
saccānaṃ caturo padā.
(of all) truths (the) Four [Noble Truths] (are) {supreme};
♦ virāgo seṭṭho dhammānaṃ,
Dis-passion (is the) supreme Dharma:
Dvi-padānañca cakkhumā.
(among) two-footed [beings], [the Buddha,] (the) one-who-sees (is) supreme.

Dhp 274

♦ ese-’va maggo n’atth-añño,
This-(is the)-only path; there-is-no-other,
dassanassa visuddhiyā.
(for) vision’s purification.
♦ etañ-hi tumhe paṭipajjatha,
Tread this path,
māras-setaṃ pa-mohanaṃ.
(and) Māra [the evil one] (will be) profoundly-mystified. mantra

♦ ese-’va maggo
There’s only one way
♦ ese-’va maggo
There’s only one way
♦ ese-’va maggo, Dīpe!
There’s only one way, to Rock!
Rock (noun, place)

Corregidor, an island in the Philippines also known as "The Rock"
Jamaica, an island in the Caribbean is locally referred to as the "Rock"
Niue, an island near Tonga referred to as the "Rock" by residents
Rock of Gibraltar, a British overseas territory near the southernmost tip of Spain
"Rock" (Dīpa), an island that some yogis paddling their rafts are dead set on reaching.

Rock (colloquial verb, adjective, adverb)

To excel, to be awesome, inspirational, outstanding, to perfect.

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