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AN 4.34 supreme confidence [in the Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha]


AN 4.34 aggap-pasāda-suttaṃ
AN 4.34 supreme-confidence-discourse
“cattāro-'me, bhikkhave,
"(there are) Four-(of)-these, *********,
supreme (types of) confidence.
katame cattāro?
Which four?
yāvatā, bhikkhave,
As-far-as, *********,
sattā a-padā vā dvi-padā vā
Beings without-feet or two-footed, or
catup-padā vā bahup-padā vā
four-footed or multi-footed **,
rūpino vā a-rūpino vā
(with) form or without-form **,
saññino vā a-saññino vā
percipient or non-percipient **,
Neva-saññi-n-ā-saññino vā,
Neither-percipient-nor-non-percipient **,
tathāgato tesaṃ aggam-akkhāyati
(the) Tathāgata is declared-supreme,
arahaṃ sammā-sambuddho.
(the) Arahant, perfectly-awakened.
ye, bhikkhave,
Those-who, *********,
buddhe pasannā,
(in the) Buddha, (have) confidence,
agge te pasannā.
(in the) supreme, (they have) confidence.
agge kho pana pasannānaṃ
(in the) supreme *** ****, (for) those-confident (in that),
aggo vipāko hoti.
supreme (the) fruit is.
♦ “yāvatā, bhikkhave,
As-far-as, *********,
dhammā saṅkhatā,
things (that are) fabricated,
ariyo aṭṭh-aṅgiko maggo
(the) Noble eight-fold path,
tesaṃ aggamakkhāyati.
that (is) declared-supreme.
ye, bhikkhave,
Those-who, *********,
ariye aṭṭh-aṅgike magge pasannā,
(in the) Noble eight-fold path, (have) confidence,
agge te pasannā.
(in the) supreme, (they have) confidence.
agge kho pana pasannānaṃ
(in the) supreme *** ****, (for) those-confident (in that),
aggo vipāko hoti.
supreme (the) fruit is.
♦ “yāvatā, bhikkhave,
As-far-as, *********,
dhammā saṅkhatā vā a-saṅkhatā vā,
things (that are) fabricated or un-fabricated **,
vi-rāgo tesaṃ aggamakkhāyati,
dis-passion (is) declared-supreme.
yadidaṃ madanimmadano
That is, pride-subduing,
cycle-of-rebirth's -- stoppage,
vi-rāgo nirodho nibbānaṃ.
dis-passion, cessation, Nirvana.
ye, bhikkhave,
Those-who, *********,
virāge dhamme pasannā,
(in) Dis-passion (and) The-Dhamma, (have) confidence,
agge te pasannā.
(in the) supreme, (they have) confidence.
agge kho pana pasannānaṃ
(in the) supreme *** ****, (for) those-confident (in that),
aggo vipāko hoti.
supreme (the) fruit is.
♦ “yāvatā, bhikkhave,
As-far-as, *********,
saṅghā vā gaṇā vā,
Saṅghas or groups **,
(the) Tathāgata’s-disciple-Saṅgha,
tesaṃ aggamakkhāyati,
that (is) declared-supreme.
yadidaṃ cattāri purisa-yugāni
That-is, four {pairs of}-men,
aṭṭha purisa-puggalā
eight (types of) men-(and)-individuals.
esa bhagavato sāvaka-saṅgho
This blessed-one's disciple-Saṅgha
(is) worthy-of-gifts,
an-uttaraṃ puññak-khettaṃ lokassa.
(an) un-surpassed merit-field (for the) world.
ye, bhikkhave,
Those-who, *********,
saṅghe pasannā,
{confident} (in the) Saṅgha,
agge te pasannā.
(in the) supreme, (they have) confidence.
agge kho pana pasannānaṃ
(in the) supreme *** ****, (for) those-confident (in that),
aggo vipāko hoti.
supreme (the) fruit is.
ime kho, bhikkhave,
These indeed, monks, (are the)
cattāro aggap-pasādā”ti.
four supreme (types of) confidence.
♦ “aggato ve pasannānaṃ,
"(regarding the) supreme **, (for) those-confident (in that),
aggaṃ dhammaṃ vijānataṃ.
(the) supreme Dhamma, (for) those-knowing (that) --
♦ agge buddhe pasannānaṃ,
(in the) supreme Buddha (they have) confidence,
dakkhiṇeyye an-uttare.
(in one) worthy-of-offerings, (in the) un-surpassed;
♦ “agge dhamme pasannānaṃ,
"(in the) supreme Dhamma, (for) those-confident,
vi-rāg-ūpasame sukhe.
(in) dis-passion's-stilling, (in) pleasure.
♦ agge saṅghe pasannānaṃ,
(in the) supreme Sangha, (for) those-confident,
puññak-khette an-uttare.
(in the) merit-field, (in the) un-surpassed.
♦ “aggasmiṃ dānaṃ dadataṃ,
(to the) supreme, ***** (for those who) give {gifts} (to them),
aggaṃ puññaṃ pavaḍḍhati.
supreme (types of) merit increases --
♦ aggaṃ āyu ca vaṇṇo ca,
supreme lifespan and beauty **,
yaso kitti sukhaṃ balaṃ.
glory, fame, pleasure, strength.
♦ “aggassa dātā medhāvī,
"(to the) supreme, (for their) donors (who are) wise,
supreme-dhamma-(they are)-concentrated (upon).
♦ devabhūto manusso vā,
devas-(they)-become, (or) human **,
aggap-patto pa-modatī”ti.
(the) supreme-attained, (they) re-joice."
(end of sutta)


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