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Ajahn Sucitto says, "It may be correct to say that mindfulness is non-judgemental"
But of greater significance in the long run, mindfulness is involved with wisdom. It may be correct to say that mindfulness is non-judgemental – but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t support assessment. It is in the putting aside self-judgements and short-term impulses (‘covetousness and grief regarding the world’) that an assessment of what is really useful can take place. So to avoid having its attention hijacked, mindfulness has to established and made firm:

I strongly disagree

Sati is about as judgmental as you can get. Think of sati the gatekeeper of the fortress.

♦ “seyyathāpi, bhikkhave, raƱƱo paccantime nagare dovāriko hoti paį¹‡įøito byatto medhāvÄ« aƱƱātānaį¹ƒ nivāretā Ʊātānaį¹ƒ pavesetā abbhantarānaį¹ƒ guttiyā bāhirānaį¹ƒ paį¹­ighātāya. evamevaį¹ƒ kho, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako satimā hoti paramena satinepakkena samannāgato cirakatampi cirabhāsitampi saritā anussaritā. satidovāriko, bhikkhave, ariyasāvako akusalaį¹ƒ pajahati, kusalaį¹ƒ bhāveti; sāvajjaį¹ƒ pajahati, anavajjaį¹ƒ bhāveti; suddhaį¹ƒ attānaį¹ƒ pariharati. iminā chaį¹­į¹­hena saddhammena samannāgato hoti.
“Just as the royal frontier fortress has a gatekeeper—wise, competent, intelligent—to keep out those he doesn’t know and to let in those he does, for the protection of those within and to ward off those without; in the same way a disciple of the noble ones is mindful, endowed with excellent proficiency in mindfulness, remembering & able to call to mind even things that were done & said long ago. With mindfulness as his gatekeeper, the disciple of the noble ones abandons what is unskillful, develops what is skillful, abandons what is blameworthy, develops what is blameless, and looks after himself with purity. With this sixth true quality is he endowed.

You best believe the gatekeeper is judgmental! 

Otherwise all kinds of sweet talking riff raff and defilements wearing clever disguises and using every trick in the book to slip in the fortress. Perhaps Ajahn Sucitto objects to the unnecessary negative emotional component that can accompany someone being hypercritical and judgmental. But being sharply discerning, discriminating, having the intelligence and critical faculty to distinguish the slightest problem, is non-negotiable.  

  1. of or concerning the use of judgment.

    "judgmental errors"
    • having or displaying an excessively critical point of view.

      "I don't like to sound judgmental, but it was a big mistake"

      "I don't like to sound judgmental but it really was a big mistake"

      1. having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense.

        "the efficient and judicious use of pesticides"

        synonyms:wisesensibleprudentpoliticshrewdastutecannysagacious, common-sense, commonsensical, soundwell advised, well judged, well thought out, consideredthoughtfulperceptivediscerningclear-sightedinsightful, far-sighted, percipientdiscriminatinginformedintelligentcleverenlightenedlogicalrational

      Do you want a judgmental gatekeeper for Sati

      Image result for judge dredd

      Or a sati that is a present moment choiceless awareness zombie?

      Image result for zombie
      You think he's going to do a good job of keeping the defilements from waltzing through the gate?


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