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Comparison: Pīti and Frisson


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Piloerection (goosebumps), the physical part of frisson
Frisson (French for 'shiver'), also known as aesthetic chillsmusical chills, and colloquially as a skin orgasm,[1][2] is a psychophysiological response to rewarding auditory and/or visual stimuli that induces a pleasurable or otherwise positively-valenced affective state and transient paresthesia (skin tingling or chills), sometimes along with piloerection (goose bumps) and mydriasis (pupil dilation).[2][3][4][5] The sensation commonly occurs as a mildly to moderately pleasurable emotional response to music with skin tingling;[2] piloerection and pupil dilation do not necessarily occur in all cases.[4][5] The psychological component (i.e., the pleasurable feeling) and physiological components (i.e., parasthesia, piloerection, and pupil dilation) of the response are mediated by the reward system and sympathetic nervous system, respectively.[4][5] The stimuli that produce this response are unique to each individual.
Frisson is of short duration, lasting only a few seconds.[6] Typical stimuli include loud passages of music and passages—such as appoggiaturas and sudden modulation—that violate some level of musical expectation.[7][8] During a frisson, a sensation of chills or tingling felt on the skin of the lower back, shoulders, neck, and/or arms.[5][6] The sensation of chills is sometimes experienced as a series of 'waves' moving up the back in rapid succession and commonly described as "shivers up the spine".[4][6] Hair follicles may also undergo piloerection.[4][5][6]
It has been shown that some experiencing musical frisson report reduced excitement when under administration of naloxone (an opioid receptor antagonist), suggesting musical frisson gives rise to endogenous opioid peptides similar to other pleasurable experiences.[6] Frisson may be enhanced by the amplitude of the music and the temperature of the environment. Cool listening rooms and cinemas may enhance the experience.[9]


2. Lake simile
Seyyathāpi, bhikkhave,
just-as, *********,
udaka-rahado gambhīro
(a) water-lake (that's) deep,
bursting-forth-water [from spring below]
Tassa nevassa puratthimāya disāya udakassa āyamukhaṃ,
***** not (from the) eastern direction (does) water flow in.
na pacchimāya disāya udakassa āyamukhaṃ,
not (from the) western direction (does) water flow in.
na uttarāya disāya udakassa āyamukhaṃ,
not (from the) northern direction (does) water flow in.
na dakkhiṇāya disāya udakassa āyamukhaṃ,
not (from the) southern direction (does) water flow in.
devo ca kālena kālaṃ
rain-clouds ** (from) time (to) time
sammā dhāraṃ nānuppaveccheyya.
{do not} thoroughly ****** bestow [water].
Atha kho tamhāva udaka-rahadā sītā vāridhārā ubbhijjitvā
then *** that water-lake (with) cool water welling-up
tameva udaka-rahadaṃ sītena vārinā
[would cause the] water-lake's cool water [from the spring]
abhi-sandeyya pari-sandeyya
to-flow-in, to-over-flow,
pari-pūreyya parip-phareyya;
to-completely-fill, to-completely-pervade,
nāssa kiñci sabbāvato udaka-rahadassa
(so that) no part (of the) entire water-lake
{ ... }
{ would be un-pervaded }
sītena vārinā
(by) cool water.
ap-phuṭaṃ assa.
{ ... }
(entire anatomical body refrain)
Evamevaṃ kho, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
even so, monks, a monk
imameva kāyaṃ
(in) this body
samādhijena pīti-sukhena
(with) concentration-based rapture-(&)-pleasure;
abhi-sandeti pari-sandeti
(it) flows (in), over-flows,
pari-pūreti pari-p-pharati;
completely-fills, completely-pervades;
nāssa kiñci sabbāvato kāyassa
no part (of his) entire body
{******** ****}.
{is un-pervaded}
samādhijena pīti-sukhena
(with) concentration-based rapture-(&)-pleasure;
Ap-phuṭaṃ hoti.
{******** ****}.
Ariyassa, bhikkhave, pañc-aṅgikassa sammā-samādhissa
(of the) Noble, ********, five-factored right-concentration,
ayaṃ dutiyā bhāvanā. (2)
this (is the) second development.

Orgasm while exercising

Exercises most likely to be associated with female orgasms are abdominal exercises, weight lifting, spinning/biking, and climbing poles or ropes, the author added. The researchers explain that "coregasm" - reaching an orgasm from exercising the core abdominal muscles - has been mentioned in the media for some time.Mar 21, 2012

My Comments relating jhana, piti, frisson, orgasm:

(some other time)


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