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The 4 jhānas have 7☀️ factors. Not 5.


5 jhana factors is a Theravada conspiracy

- A conspiracy to redefine the 4 jhanas as a frozen samatha exercise devoid of vipassana capability.
If you search the EBT for references to 5 jhana factors, it only appears twice, and both times it's not the Buddha teaching them, it's Sariputta. Sariputta is usually involved when fabricating Abhidhamma origin stories, and LBT (late Buddhist texts).

Also a big clue 5 jhana factors is a late Theravada concoction, is the Vism. section (anyone provide citation and quote for this?) describing how the 5 jhana factors oppose 5 hindrances. It's one of the dumbest things I've ever heard in my life. Even Theravadans of the blind faith persuasion find that teaching confusing and nonsensical.

citation from vism. found and explained here:

The four jhanas have 7 factors

upekkha, sati, and dhamma-vicaya, all have vipassana capability. That's why they're omitted from the Vism. 5 jhana factor paradigm.
V&V, S&S are part of sati and dhamma-vicaya.
viriya is equivalent to 4pd (samma padhana), and right effort.
viriya is an  important independent jhana factor not incuded in "5 jhana factors".

In samma samadhi, 4 jhanas of EBT, both samatha and vipassana is done while one is in jhana.
passaddhi/pacification is a cause and/or correlation to piti & sukha.
Sukha aint happening if you're not pacified/relaxed.

The definition of upekkha-sambojjhanga in SN 46.3 -real-bojjhanga-paritta is clearly doing vipassana. 

7sb as a causal sequence

✴️SN 46.3 -real-bojjhanga-paritta

SN 46.4 is a good example of 7sb being independent jhana factors

SN 46.2 another good sutta where 5niv and 7sb can be seen as independent factors while in 4 jhanas, and while trying to enter into them

20 meditation subjects where 7sb are 7 independent factors

Also in SN 46 bojjhanga collection, 20 meditation subjects where 7sb are 7 independent factors, no mention of 5 jhana factors at all.

There are 7 jhana factors, not 5. SN 54.2: 7sb☀️ together with 16APS🌬️😤


  1. Thanks for preparing this post. It is a bit confusing to follow because of terms like 5NIV and the various icons; could you provide an index or link, perhaps on the right-hand toolbar?


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