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fun pali lesson, AN 8.1, applying what we've learned so far

An excerpt from AN 8.1 will be shown, and the bolded and highlighted items will be things you should know from previous lessons.

 AN 8.1 - šŸ”—šŸ”Š 
1. Mettā-sutta
1. friendly-kindness-discourse
Evaį¹ƒ me sutaį¹ƒ—
Thus I heard.
ekaį¹ƒ samayaį¹ƒ bhagavā sāvatthiyaį¹ƒ viharati
One time the-blessed-one {was staying near} Sāvatthī,
Jeta-vane anāthapiį¹‡įøikassa ārāme.
(in) Jeta’s-Grove, Anāthapiį¹‡įøika’s monastery.
Tatra kho bhagavā bhikkhū āmantesi:
There the-blessed-one addressed the monks:
“Bhadante”ti te bhikkhÅ« bhagavato paccassosuį¹ƒ.
“Venerable sir,” they replied.
Bhagavā etadavoca:
The-blessed-one said  this:
avoca: he said. (1st. sing. (aor. of vac.))
“Mettāya, bhikkhave, ceto-vimuttiyā
“Friendly-kindness ********* (from the) mind's-liberation,
āsevitāya bhāvitāya bahulī-katāya
cultivated, developed, abundantly-done,
(su prefix = good) properly-implemented,
aį¹­į¹­h-ā-nisaį¹ƒsā pāį¹­i-kaį¹…khā.
[then these] eight-benefits (can be) expected.
Katame aį¹­į¹­ha?
What eight?
Sukhaį¹ƒ supati,
1. (su prefix = good) Pleasurably (you) sleep.
sukhaį¹ƒ paį¹­i-bujjhati,
2. (su prefix = good) Pleasurably (you) wake ('Buddha' verb form).
na pāpakaį¹ƒ supinaį¹ƒ passati,
3. No evil (in your) dreams (do you) see,
manussānaį¹ƒ piyo hoti,
4. (to) Humans, beloved (you) become.
a-manussānaį¹ƒ piyo hoti,
5. (to) Non-humans [such as earth spirits, yakkhas, demons], beloved (you) become.
devatā rakkhanti,
6. Deities protect (you).
nāssa aggi vā visaį¹ƒ vā satthaį¹ƒ vā kamati,
7. Neither fire nor poison nor blades ** enter [and harm you],
uttariį¹ƒ ap-paį¹­i-vijjhanto brahma-lok-Å«pago hoti.
8. {Not having any} higher knowledge-penetrated, (in the) Brahma-world-(you will)-arise [in rebirth].



Yo ca mettaį¹ƒ bhāvayati,
(In) one who {develops} friendly-kindness,
ap-pamāį¹‡aį¹ƒ paį¹­i-s-sato;
Without-limit, rememberful [of Dharma],
TanÅ« saį¹ƒyojanā honti,
weakened (the) fetters become,
passato upadhi-k-khayaį¹ƒ.
seeing attachments’-destruction.
Ekampi ce pāį¹‡am-a-duį¹­į¹­ha-citto,
{showing friendly-kindness to just} one creature-(with an)-un-hateful (du=bad)-mind
Mettāyati kusalī tena hoti;
{**********} {makes you a} you a good [person].
Sabbe ca pāį¹‡e manas-ānu-kampÄ«,
(towards) all ** creatures (with a) mind-continuously-compassionate,
PahÅ«tam-ariyo pa-karoti puƱƱaį¹ƒ.
A-noble-one creates {abundant} merit.
bingo! there's "karoti" finally in that present tense.
Ye satta-saį¹‡įøaį¹ƒ pathaviį¹ƒ vijetvā,
the seven-clusters (of) earth (having been) conquered,
Rājisayo yajamānā anupariyagā;
(the) royal-rulers traveled around sponsoring sacrifices—
Assa-medhaį¹ƒ purisa-medhaį¹ƒ,
horse-sacrifice, human-sacrifice,
Sammāpāsaį¹ƒ vājapeyyaį¹ƒ niraggaįø·aį¹ƒ.
the sacrifices of the ‘stick-casting’, the ‘royal soma drinking’, and the ‘unbarred’.
Mettassa cittassa su-bhāvitassa,
[compared to] friendly-kindess (of a ) mind well-developed,
Kalampi te nānubhavanti soįø·asiį¹ƒ;
[those sacrifices] are not worth a sixteenth (of that);
Canda-p-pabhā tāragaį¹‡Äva sabbe,
[compared to the] moon’s-luminosity, all the constellations of stars
Yathā na agghanti kalampi soįø·asiį¹ƒ.
Are not worth (a) fractional sixteenth [portion of that].
Yo na hanti na ghāteti,
(If) you don’t kill nor encourage-others-to-kill,
na jināti na jāpaye;
don’t conquer nor encourage-others-to-conquer,
Mettaį¹ƒso sabba-bhÅ«tānaį¹ƒ,
(with) friendly-kindness (for) all-sentient-beings,
veraį¹ƒ tassa na kenacÄ«”ti.
enmity you (have for) no one.”


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