Tuesday, July 14, 2020

pali lesson: memory technique - acronyms, sati and smrti

Examples of acronyms I use to help memorize new pali vocabulary, and phrases of pali words:

Example #1: the 3 a.m. (akusala mula, raga, dosa, moha)

From AN 3.16, we know that the proper time to sleep and wake up, is typically 10pm - 2am, or 11pm through 3am.

Here's a little mantra (pali = manta) that I like to recite:
At 3 a.m., we wake up to do battle with the 3 a.m. (akusala mula, raga, dosa, moha)
3am 😈🌱= 3 a-kusala mulani = 3 un-skillful roots, The Unholy Trinity

Example #2: 5 ariya bhavita indriya

5👑abi️ = 5 ariya bhavita indriya = Noble one's developed faculties, 5 masteries of perception, ariya iddhi superpower.

The acronym "abi" (representing 3 pali words) looks like the english word "ability".
So the 5abi, are like 5 kind of important special abilities

Example #3: It ain't Sammā Samādhi unless it contains A PASS to Nirvana

The lesson is:

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