Wednesday, July 1, 2020

pali fun mini lesson: modati, pā-mojja, mudita, anu-modana, pīti

from a reddit thread:

What does anumodami mean when preceded by sadhu x3?

When we say "anumodami" after sadhu x3, what does it mean? I've not been able to find a translation of the word anywhere. I used to think I was hearing "anumodana" wrong, but I don't think so.

level 1


The anu prefix means something like 'continuously', or 'repeatedly', or 'follow'.

The verb modati = To be joyful

suffix 'ami' makes the action from a singular "I" perspective.

So one typical translation is " (I) re-joice".

The brahmavihara 'mudita' is a past participle of 'modati'.

pā-mojja is just another conjugated form of 'mudita'

So that's why it's not easy to look up these words in the dictionary, and you have to do some digging to see their relationships.

Interestingly, this thread that I'm commenting on (where OP asked about anomodana) got 5 upvotes (before I posted this comment), and an in depth thread I posted a couple of days ago on a very similar topic got no upvotes:

difference between mudita (virtuous joy) pīti (rapture), and late Theravada mudita as brahmavihara

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