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fun pali lesson: building the matrix on the fly; AN 10.48

Sandra Bullock Almost Played Neo In The Matrix
One of the ways to get to know the sutta really well,  
is regularly recite it in different ways.
Slowly, conversational speed, fast, 
with chanting (musicality elements to aid in memorization),
in flat conversational monotone,
forwards, backwards, by random access (for example in AN 10.48 has a list of 10 dharmas, pick a random number between one and ten, and recite just that item of the sutta).

AN 10.48 Ten ☸Dharmas, pali chanting: I have a version "an10-48x" excerpt which is heavily elided, and combined with AN 5.57, into an efficient 1 minute chant that contains the essentials of both of those suttas.

Also while chanting be able to fill in elisions, or add elisions on the fly.

The big advantage of doing solo chanting, is you're not forced to keep pace with a group that's going too fast or too slow. You can add pauses wherever you want to chew on a point that needs more time to digest, or just because you enjoy savoring certain phrases: example: "Khina jati............ vusitam brahmacariyam".


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