Again, google translate AI, even with its crude translation and mistakes, has a much better understanding of first jhana than Ajahn Brahm.
fascicle 4:
(first zen = first jhana)
問: |
ask: |
云何修地法? |
How to cultivate the land? |
答: |
answer: |
若坐禪人欲修地一切入,從初當觀欲過患,復應觀出離功德。 |
If the person who sits in meditation wants to cultivate all the ground, he should observe the troubles of desire from the beginning, and then he should observe the merits of renunciation. |
問: |
ask: |
何故應觀欲過患? |
Why should watch desire be too troublesome? |
答: |
answer: |
欲者少氣味,故多憂苦,於是處多過患。 |
Desires have less smell, so more sorrow, so more troubles. |
欲者如骨,喻少氣味。 |
Desires are like bones, but less smell. |
欲者如[3]肉揣喻,以多屬故。 |
Desires are like [3] fleshy metaphors, with many reasons. |
欲者如逆風把火喻,隨燒故。 |
Desires interpret fire like a headwind, and burn it as they go. |
欲者如炎炭喻,大小故。 |
Desires are like charcoal metaphors, big and small. |
欲者如夢喻,倏忽無故。 |
Desires are like dreams, suddenly and without reason. |
欲者如借物喻,勢不得久[4]故。 |
Desires, like borrowing things, will not last long [4]. |
欲者如樹果喻,為人所折故。 |
Desires are like a tree and fruit, and they are made by others. |
欲者如刀喻,以斬斫故。 |
Desires are like a sword metaphor, to chop the past. |
欲者如槊喻,以為槊故。 |
Desires are like metaphors, thinking that they are so. |
欲者如毒蛇頭喻,可怖畏故。 |
Desires are like a snake head, terrible and fearful. |
欲者如風吹綿喻,不可守護故。 |
Desires are like the wind blowing, and cannot guard the cause. |
欲者如幻喻,惑癡人故。 |
Desires are like illusions, confused and foolish. |
欲者是暗,無所見故。 |
Desires are dark and see nothing. |
欲者是障礙路,礙諸善法故。 |
Desires are obstacles, hindering all good things. |
欲者是癡,失正念故。 |
Desires are idiots and lose their righteous thoughts. |
欲者如熟,以爛故。 |
Desires are as familiar, but rotten. |
欲者是械,相駐縛故。 |
Desires are weapons, which are bound to each other. |
欲者是盜,功德物故。 |
Desires are thief, merit and virtue. |
欲者是怨家,起鬪爭故。 |
Desires are grudges and quarrel. |
欲者是苦,造諸過患故。 |
Desires are suffering, causing all lapses and sufferings. |
如是已觀欲過患,應觀出離功德。 |
If you have already contemplated desires, you should see the merits. |
名出離者,謂初禪從初出家修諸善,是名出離。 |
The person who is famous for being renounced means that the first Zen has cultivated all virtues since the beginning of the renunciation, which is the renunciation of the name. |
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