SN (128 sutta hits)
- every vitakka
- SN 1.17 monk collecting thoughts in mind
- SN 1.64 fetters, thinking & evaluation, to nirvana
- SN 1.65 again thinking & evaluation to see craving and nirvana
- SN 3.4 king pasenadi thought arises in his private retreat
- SN 3.5 king pasenadi thought arises in his private retreat
- SN 3.6 king pasenadi thought arises in his private retreat
- SN 3.18 king pasenadi thought arises in his private retreat
- SN 4.1 thought arises in private retreat, mara reads buddha’s mind
- SN 4.20 thought arises in private retreat, mara reads buddha’s mind
- SN 4.22 thought arises in private retreat, mara reads monk’s mind
- SN 4.23 mara reads mind of monk committing suicide
- SN 4.25 in a-vitakka second jhana or higher
- SN 6.1 buddha thought in private retreat, brahma reads buddha’s mind
- SN 6.2 buddha thought in private retreat, brahma reads buddha’s mind
- SN 6.4 buddha reads brahma’s mind
- SN 6.5 buddha reads brahma’s mind, levitates based on fire element
- SN 7.4 buddha reads his mind
- SN 7.15 buddha reads his mind
- SN 8.1 ordinary thought of evil
- SN 8.2 giving up thoughts of lay life
- SN 8.2 thoughts related to 60 wrong views
- SN 8.8 verses are premeditated thoughts
- SN 9.1 evil thoughts connected to household life
- SN 9.11 three evil thoughts, way out is through jhana like MN 19 & AN 6.10, cinta synonym
- SN 10.3 where mind’s thought originate
- SN 11.7 thought arises in sakka’s private retreat, demon reads his mind
- SN 12.68 reasoned thinking, jhana contemplation (14 hits)
- SN 14.12 sources of 3 wrong thoughts include perceptions, elements, quests, resolves
- SN 14.13 dependent on element, perception, view, thought arise
- SN 14.13 hierarchy of element, perception, view, thought, volition, longing, wish, person, speech
- SN 16.9 STED 1st and 2nd jhana, buddha and kassapa equal at jhana
- SN 16.10 same situation 1st and 2nd jhana as SN 16.9
- SN 16.11 STED 1st and 2nd jhana, kassapa doing 9 smd
- SN 21.1 thought arises In moggallana in private retreat, 2nd jhana is noble silence
- SN 21.2 thought arises in sariputta in private retreat, vipassana type of thought
- SN 21.4 buddha reads mind of junior monk who is an arahant
- SN 22.80 buddha has this thought in private retreat
- SN 22.80 brahma reads buddha’s mind
- SN 22.80 3 types of wrong thoughts, 4sp and animitta samadhi are the escape
- SN 22.81 in dhamma talk, question arises in monk’s mind, buddha reads his mind, note dhamma-vicaya here
- SN 22.82 in dhamma talk, monk thinks, buddha reads his mind,
- SN 28.1 sariputta doing STED 1st jhana
- SN 28.2 sariputta doing STED 2nd jhana, sutta title is a-vitakka
- SN 35.121 buddha in private retreat thought arises to bring rahula to arahantship
- SN 35.153 reasoned thinking, jhana contemplation (8 hits In sutta)
- SN 35.235 no thinking thoughts while sleeping
- SN 35.240 mind collect thoughts like turtle drawing into shell
- SN 36.11 thought pop into mind in private retreat
- SN 36.11 vitakka and vicara cease in 2nd jhana, 9 gradual cessations
- SN 36.17 vitakka and vicara cease in 2nd jhana, 9 gradual cessations, same as SN 36.11
- SN 36.19 1st jhana pleasure greater than 5kg
- SN 36.19 STED 2nd jhana better than first
- SN 36.31 STED 1st and 2nd jhare are defined as niramisa piti/rapture
- SN 36.31 STED 1st , 2nd, and 3rd jhana are defined as niramisa sukha/pleasure
- SN 40.1 mogallana in private retreat has thought about ‘what is first jhana’
- SN 40.1 STED 1st jhana, buddha instructs him to purify it
- SN 40.2 mogallana in private retreat has thought about ‘what is second jhana’
- SN 40.2 STED 2nd jhana, buddha instructs him to purify it
- SN 41.6 vitakka & vicara are vaci-sankhara vocalization co-doings
- SN 41.6 why is vitakka & vicara vocalization co-doing?
- SN 41.8 jains don’t believe noble silece of second jhana, thoughts ceasing, is possible
- SN 41.8 citta tells jains, not only is vitakka cessation possible, I personally can do all 4 jhanas
- SN 41.9 STED all four jhanas, citta’s fruit of 30 years practice
- SN 43.3 three ways of samadhi, equivalent to 4 jhanas
- SN 43.12 same as SN 43.3, just part of repetition series with synonyms for asankhata
- SN 45.8 STED 1st and 2nd jhana, as part of samma samadhi def.
- SN 45.11 vedana condition when thought, chanda, vitakka, sañña are stilled
- SN 45.12 similar to but different than SN 45.11
- SN 45.30 monk in private retreat has thought asking buddha about 5kg
- SN 46.3 sati awakening factor recalls Dhamma, then THINKS about Dhamma
- SN 46.52 piti awakening factor with and without thinking & evaluation
- SN 46.52 samadhi awakening factor with and without thinking & evaluation
- SN 47.10 first jhana thinking used to arouse rapture and mudita, 2nd jhana no need to think
- SN 47.18 buddha in private retreat has thought about 4sp
- SN 47.18 brahma reads that 4sp thought from buddha’s mind
- SN 47.35 definition of sampajano as knowing the rise and passing away of vedana, sañña, and vitakka/thought
- SN 47.43 same as SN 47.18: brahma reads buddha’s mind
- SN 48.10 STED 1st and 2nd jhana def as part of 5ind samadhi indriya
- SN 48.40 STED 1st jhana, various vedana indriya factors drop out through 4 jhanas
- SN 48.57 buddha thinks about 5ind indriya in private retreat
- SN 48.57 brahma reads buddha’s mind
- SN 52.1 anuddha thinks about 4sp in private retreat
- SN 52.1 moggallana reads anuruddha’s mind
- SN 52.2 slight variation on SN 52.1
- SN 53.1 STED 1st and 2nd jhana
- SN 53.2 STED 1st and 2nd jhana
- SN 54.8 STED 1st and 2nd jhana part of 9 samadhis you can do with anapana sati
- SN 56.7 think about 4NT noble truths instead of 3 wrong thoughts
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