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KN Iti 104 missing link to rapture and altruistic mirth found with SN 46.3

SN 46.3 Sīla: Virtue: 🔗🔊 pli 6m Shows how listening and reflecting on Dhamma leads you into 2nd Jhāna, using 7sb☀️: 37 seconds to recite the synopsis, memorize word for word that part. That is the heart of EBT meditation engine for all 42 of the most popular EBT meditations.

Missing mudita reference found

KN Iti 104 shares some common passage with SN 46.3, the portion about the benefits of being inspired by monks and associating with them. I was puzzled for a long time, why SN 46.3 never explicitly used the magic words, mudita, pamojja, and piti, for describing the effects of coming into contact with the monks. 

altruistic-mirth = modati, pamojja, mudita: they are all the same meaning, just different conjugations. 
rapture = pīti, a jhana factor and the 4th awakening factor of 7sb as you know.

In the suttas, piti-pamojja often appear as a compound word, they're so closely linked. 
Unlike the later Theravada redefinition of jhana, and the hard boundary between samatha and vipassana, in EBT, piti is something you actively develop, along with mudita, to develop gladness, altruistic-mirth, and rapture from consciously thinking about and doing things Dhamma related that are inspiring.

So here, in KN Iti 104, is the explicit reference to 'pamojja' that was strongly implied by SN 46.3 but never stated. (In verse section, highlighted)

♦ 5. sīla-sampanna-suttaṃ (KN 4.104)
♦ 104. vuttañh-etaṃ bhagavatā,
§104. This was said by the Blessed One,
Vuttam-arahatāti me sutaṃ —
said by the Arahant, so I have heard:
“ye te, bhikkhave, bhikkhū
"{Monks}, [regarding] those monks
(in) virtue-(who are)-successful,
(in) undistractable-lucidity-(who are)-successful,
(in) discernment-(who are)-successful,
(in) liberation-(who are)-successful,
(in) liberation-knowledge-(and)-vision-(who are)-successful,
ovādakā viññāpakā sandassakā
who exhort, demonstrate, instruct,
samādapakā samuttejakā sampahaṃsakā
urge, rouse & encourage;
alaṃsam-akkhātāro sa-d-dhammassa
who are competent rightly to point out the true Dhamma:
dassanam-pahaṃ, bhikkhave,
(even the) sight-*****, *********, (of)
tesaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bahūpa-kāraṃ vadāmi;
those monks (is of) much-service, I-say;
savanam-pahaṃ, bhikkhave,
(even) listening-*****, *********, (to)
tesaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bahūpa-kāraṃ vadāmi;
those monks (is of) much-service, I-say;
upasaṅkamanam-pahaṃ, bhikkhave,
(even) approaching-*****, *********,
tesaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bahūpa-kāraṃ vadāmi;
those monks (is of) much-service, I-say;
payirupāsanam-pahaṃ, bhikkhave,
(even) attending-on-*****, *********,
tesaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bahūpa-kāraṃ vadāmi;
those monks (is of) much-service, I-say;
anus-saraṇam-pahaṃ, bhikkhave,
(even the) recollection-of-*****, *********,
tesaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bahūpa-kāraṃ vadāmi;
those monks (is of) much-service, I-say;
anu-pabbajjam-pahaṃ VAR, bhikkhave,
(even) going-forth-after-*****, *********,
tesaṃ bhikkhūnaṃ bahūpa-kāraṃ vadāmi.
those monks (is of) much-service, I-say;
taṃ kissa hetu?
What ***** (is the) reason?

(because ...)

tathārūpe, bhikkhave, bhikkhū sevato
“By associating with monks of this sort,
bhajato payirupāsato
sharing with them, attending to them,
aparipūropi sīlakkhandho bhāvanāpāripūriṃ gacchati,
the as-yet-unculminated aggregate of virtue goes to the culmination of its development,
aparipūropi samādhikkhandho bhāvanāpāripūriṃ gacchati,
the as-yet-unculminated aggregate of concentration goes to the culmination of its development,
aparipūropi paññākkhandho bhāvanāpāripūriṃ gacchati,
the as-yet-unculminated aggregate of discernment goes to the culmination of its development,
aparipūropi vimuttikkhandho bhāvanāpāripūriṃ gacchati,
the as-yet-unculminated aggregate of release goes to the culmination of its development,
aparipūropi vimuttiñāṇadassanakkhandho bhāvanāpāripūriṃ gacchati.
the as-yet-unculminated aggregate of knowledge & vision of release goes to the culmination of its development.
evarūpā ca te, bhikkhave, bhikkhū
Monks of this sort
satthārotipi vuccanti,
teachers (they are) said (to be),
satthavāhātipi vuccanti,
caravan leaders (they are) said (to be),
raṇañjahātipi vuccanti,
abandoners of strife (they are) said (to be),
tamonudātipi vuccanti,
dispellers of darkness (they are) said (to be),
ālokakarātipi vuccanti,
makers of light (they are) said (to be),
obhāsakarātipi vuccanti,
makers of radiance (they are) said (to be),
pajjotakarātipi vuccanti,
makers of brightness (they are) said (to be),
ukkādhārātipi vuccanti,
makers of brilliance (they are) said (to be),
pabhaṅkarātipi vuccanti,
bringers of illumination (they are) said (to be),
ariyātipi vuccanti,
noble ones (they are) said (to be),
cakkhumantotipi vuccantī”ti.
endowed with eyes that see (they are) said (to be).”
etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca.
this much (the) blessed one said.
tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —
then some more was said -


♦ “pā-mojja-karaṇaṃ ṭhānaṃ VAR,
This is a condition producing altruistic-mirth,
etaṃ hoti vijānataṃ.
for those who know:
♦ yadidaṃ bhāvit-attānaṃ,
they (are) {self}-composed,
ariyānaṃ dhamma-jīvinaṃ.
(the) noble-ones' Dhamma; -- living (it)
♦ “te jotayanti sa-d-dhammaṃ,
They brighten the true-Dhamma,
bhāsayanti pabhaṅkarā.
illumine (it), shining-brilliantly.
♦ āloka-karaṇā dhīrā,
They are luminosity-producers, enlightened,
cakkhumanto raṇañjahā.
with eyes that see, they are abandoners of strife.
♦ “yesaṃ ve sāsanaṃ sutvā,
their message, having-heard (it),
sammadaññāya paṇḍitā.
with right gnosis, the [wise]-pundits
♦ jāti-k-khayam-abhiññāya,
birth's-ending; -- direct-knowing (of it)
n-āgacchanti puna-b-bhavan”ti.
no-[more]-coming (into) repeated-rebirths.
♦ ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti.
See also: AN 9:1


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