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Every vitakka in the suttas: KN Iti

6 suttas in KN Iti

KN Iti 38 vitakka
KN Iti 80 vitakka: thought: abandon thoughts connected to household
KN Iti 85 a-subh-ānupassī: non-beautiful-conemplation
KN Iti 86 dhamm-ānu-dhamma-paṭipanna: proper practice
KN Iti 87 andhakaraṇa
KN Iti 110 (same as AN 4.11) cara: walking (vitakka in various postures)

KN It, 2. dukanipāto, 2. dutiyavaggo, 1. vitakkasuttaṃ (KN 4.38), para. 2
“tathāgataṃ, bhikkhave, arahantaṃ sammāsambuddhaṃ dve vitakkā bahulaṃ samudācaranti — khemo ca vitakko, paviveko ca . abyāpajjhārāmo, bhikkhave, tathāgato abyāpajjharato. tamenaṃ, bhikkhave, tathāgataṃ abyāpajjhārāmaṃ abyāpajjharataṃ eseva vitakko bahulaṃ samudācarati — ‘imāyāhaṃ iriyāya na kiñci byābādhemi tasaṃ vā thāvaraṃ vā’ti.

KN It, 2. dukanipāto, 2. dutiyavaggo, 1. vitakkasuttaṃ (KN 4.38), para. 3
“pavivekārāmo, bhikkhave, tathāgato pavivekarato. tamenaṃ, bhikkhave, tathāgataṃ pavivekārāmaṃ pavivekarataṃ eseva vitakko bahulaṃ samudācarati — ‘yaṃ akusalaṃ taṃ pahīnan’ti.

KN It, 2. dukanipāto, 2. dutiyavaggo, 1. vitakkasuttaṃ (KN 4.38), para. 4
“tasmātiha, bhikkhave, tumhepi abyāpajjhārāmā viharatha abyāpajjharatā. tesaṃ vo, bhikkhave, tumhākaṃ abyāpajjhārāmānaṃ viharataṃ abyāpajjharatānaṃ eseva vitakko bahulaṃ samudācarissati — ‘imāya mayaṃ iriyāya na kiñci byābādhema tasaṃ vā thāvaraṃ vā’ti.

KN It, 2. dukanipāto, 2. dutiyavaggo, 1. vitakkasuttaṃ (KN 4.38), para. 5
“pavivekārāmā, bhikkhave, viharatha pavivekaratā. tesaṃ vo, bhikkhave, tumhākaṃ pavivekārāmānaṃ viharataṃ pavivekaratānaṃ eseva vitakko bahulaṃ samudācarissati — ‘kiṃ akusalaṃ, kiṃ appahīnaṃ, kiṃ pajahāmā’”ti. etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —

KN It, 2. dukanipāto, 2. dutiyavaggo, 1. vitakkasuttaṃ (KN 4.38), para. 6
“tathāgataṃ buddhamasayhasāhinaṃ, duve vitakkā samudācaranti naṃ.

KN It, 2. dukanipāto, 2. dutiyavaggo, 1. vitakkasuttaṃ (KN 4.38), para. 7
khemo vitakko paṭhamo udīrito, tato viveko dutiyo pakāsito.

♦ 1. vitakka-suttaṃ (KN 4.38) n
♦ 38. vuttañhetaṃ bhagavatā,
§38. This was said by the Blessed One,
vuttam-arahatāti me sutaṃ --
said by the Arahant, so I have heard:
♦ “tathāgataṃ, bhikkhave, arahantaṃ sammā-sam-buddhaṃ dve vitakkā bahulaṃ samudācaranti —
“Monks, two trains of thought often occur to the Tathāgata, worthy & rightly self-awakened:
khemo ca vitakko, paviveko ca .
the thought of safety & that of seclusion.
a-byāpajjh-ārāmo, bhikkhave,
“The Tathāgata enjoys non-ill will,
tathāgato a-byāpajjha-rato.
delights in non-ill will.
tamenaṃ, bhikkhave, tathāgataṃ a-byāpajjh-ārāmaṃ
To him–enjoying non-ill will,
delighting in non-ill will–
eseva vitakko bahulaṃ samudācarati —
this thought often occurs:
‘imāyāhaṃ iriyāya na kiñci byābādhemi
‘By this activity I harm no one at all,
tasaṃ vā thāvaraṃ vā’ti.
whether weak or firm.’
♦ “pa-vivek-ārāmo, bhikkhave, tathāgato
“The Tathāgata enjoys seclusion,
delights in seclusion.
tamenaṃ, bhikkhave, tathāgataṃ pa-vivek-ārāmaṃ
To him–enjoying seclusion,
delighting in seclusion–
eseva vitakko bahulaṃ samudācarati —
this thought often occurs:
‘yaṃ akusalaṃ taṃ pahīnan’ti.
‘Whatever is unskillful is abandoned.’
♦ “tasmātiha, bhikkhave,
“Thus, monks,
tumhepi abyāpajjh-ārāmā viharatha
you too should live enjoying non-ill will,
delighting in non-ill will.
tesaṃ vo, bhikkhave, tumhākaṃ
To you–
a-byāpajjh-ārāmānaṃ viharataṃ
enjoying non-ill will,
delighting in non-ill will–
eseva vitakko bahulaṃ samudācarissati —
this thought will often occur:
‘imāya mayaṃ iriyāya na kiñci byābādhema
‘By this activity we harm no one at all,
tasaṃ vā thāvaraṃ vā’ti.
whether weak or firm.’
♦ “pa-vivek-ārāmā, bhikkhave,
“You too should live enjoying seclusion,
viharatha pa-viveka-ratā.
delighting in seclusion.
tesaṃ vo, bhikkhave, tumhākaṃ
To you–
pa-vivek-ārāmānaṃ viharataṃ
enjoying seclusion,
delighting in seclusion–
eseva vitakko bahulaṃ samudācarissati —
this thought will often occur:
‘kiṃ akusalaṃ,
‘What is unskillful?
kiṃ appahīnaṃ,
What is not yet abandoned?
kiṃ pajahāmā’”ti.
What are we abandoning?’”
etam-atthaṃ bhagavā avoca.
This-stuff the-blessed-one said.
tatth-etaṃ iti vuccati —
then he said some more -


♦ “tathāgataṃ buddham-a-sayha-sāhinaṃ,
To the Tathāgata, awakened, who endured what is hard to endure,
duve vitakkā samudācaranti naṃ.
two thoughts occur:
♦ khemo vitakko paṭhamo udīrito,
safety, the first thought mentioned;
tato viveko dutiyo pakāsito.
seclusion, the second declared.
♦ “tamonudaṃ pāragataṃ mahesiṃ,
The dispeller of darkness, free of effluent, the great seer who has gone beyond,
taṃ pattipattaṃ vasimaṃ an-āsavaṃ.
reached attainment, gained mastery, crossed over the poisons;
♦ visantaraṃ VAR taṇhak-khaye vimuttaṃ,
who’s released in the ending of craving:
taṃ ve muniṃ antima-deha-dhāriṃ.
that sage bears his last body,
♦ mārañ-jahaṃ brūmi jarāya pāraguṃ.
has shaken off Māra, I tell you, has gone beyond aging.
♦ “sele yathā pabbata-muddh-aniṭṭhito,
As one standing on a rocky crag
yathāpi passe janataṃ samantato.
would see the people all around below,
♦ tathūpamaṃ dhamma-mayaṃ sumedho,
so the wise one, with the all-around eye,
pāsādam-āruyha samanta-cakkhu.
having scaled the tower made of Dhamma,
♦ sok-āvatiṇṇaṃ janatam-apet-asoko,
having crossed over sorrow, gazes on those overwhelmed with sorrow,
avekkhati jāti-jar-ābhi-bhūtan”ti.
conquered by aging & death.
♦ ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā, iti me sutanti. paṭhamaṃ.
This was said by the-blessed one, so I heard.
See also: Dhp 28

KN It, 2. dukanipāto, 2. dutiyavaggo, 12. diṭṭhigatasuttaṃ (KN 4.49), para. 15
vitakkā desanā vijjā, paññā dhammena pañcamaṃ.

That's just the name of one of the suttas in the vagga

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 1. vitakkasuttaṃ (KN 4.80), para. 2
“tayome, bhikkhave, akusalavitakkā. katame tayo? anavaññattipaṭisaṃyutto vitakko, lābhasakkārasilokapaṭisaṃyutto vitakko, parānuddayatāpaṭisaṃyutto vitakko. ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo akusalavitakkā””ti . etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —

♦ 1. vitakka-suttaṃ (KN 4.80) n
♦ 80. vuttañh-etaṃ bhagavatā,
§80. This was said by the Blessed One,
vuttam-arahatāti me sutaṃ —
said by the Arahant, so I have heard:
♦ “tayo-me, bhikkhave, a-kusala-vitakkā.
“Monks, there are these three kinds of unskillful thinking.
katame tayo?
Which three?
Ana-vaññattipaṭi-saṃyutto vitakko,
Thinking concerned with not wanting to be despised;--1--
lābha-sakkāra-silokapaṭi-saṃyutto vitakko,
thinking concerned with gains, offerings, & tribute;
Par-ānuddayatā-paṭi-saṃyutto vitakko.
thinking concerned with an empathy for others.--2--
ime kho, bhikkhave,
There are
tayo a-kusala-vitakkā”ti .
three kinds of unskillful thinking.”
etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca.
This-stuff the-blessed-one said,
tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —
then he said some more -

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 6. asubhānupassīsuttaṃ (KN 4.85), para. 2

♦ 6. a-subh-ānupassī-suttaṃ (KN 4.85)
♦ 85. vuttañhetaṃ bhagavatā, vuttamarahatāti me sutaṃ --
§85. This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard:
♦ “asubhānupassī, bhikkhave, kāyasmiṃ viharatha;
“Remain focused, monks, on foulness in the body.
ānāpānassati ca vo ajjhattaṃ parimukhaṃ sūpaṭṭhitā hotu;
Have mindfulness of in-&-out breathing well-established to the fore within you.
sabbasaṅkhāresu aniccānupassino viharatha.
Remain focused on the inconstancy of all fabrications.
asubhānupassīnaṃ, bhikkhave, kāyasmiṃ viharataṃ
For one who remains focused on the foulness of the body,
yo subhāya dhātuyā rāgānusayo so pahīyati VAR .
the obsession with passion for the property of beauty is abandoned.
ānāpānassatiyā ajjhattaṃ parimukhaṃ sūpaṭṭhititāya
For one who has mindfulness of in-&-out breathing well-established to the fore within oneself,
ye bāhirā vitakkāsayā vighātapakkhikā, te na honti.
annoying external thoughts & inclinations don’t exist.
sabbasaṅkhāresu aniccānupassīnaṃ viharataṃ
For one who remains focused on the inconstancy of all fabrications,
yā avijjā sā pahīyati,
ignorance is abandoned,
yā vijjā sā uppajjatī”ti.
clear knowing arises.”
etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 7. dhammānudhammapaṭipannasuttaṃ (KN 4.86), para. 2
“dhammānudhammapaṭipannassa bhikkhuno ayamanudhammo hoti veyyākaraṇāya — dhammānudhammapaṭipannoyanti bhāsamāno dhammaññeva bhāsati no adhammaṃ, vitakkayamāno vā dhammavitakkaññeva vitakketi no adhammavitakkaṃ, tadubhayaṃ vā pana abhinivejjetvā upekkhako viharati sato sampajāno”ti. etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —

♦ 7. dhamm-ānu-dhamma-paṭipanna-suttaṃ (KN 4.86)
(thanissaro trans.)
♦ 86. vuttañhetaṃ bhagavatā, vuttamarahatāti me sutaṃ --
§86. This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard:
♦ “dhamm-ānudhamma-paṭipannassa bhikkhuno ayam-anudhammo hoti veyyākaraṇāya —
“Monks, with reference to a monk who practices the Dhamma in accordance with the Dhamma,
it is this way of according with the Dhamma that he should be described as practicing the Dhamma in accordance with the Dhamma.
bhāsamāno dhammaññeva bhāsati no a-dhammaṃ,
When speaking, he speaks Dhamma and not non-Dhamma.
vitakkayamāno vā dhamma-vitakkaññeva vitakketi no a-dhamma-vitakkaṃ,
When thinking, he thinks about Dhamma and not about non-Dhamma.
tadubhayaṃ vā pana abhinivejjetvā
Avoiding both these things,
upekkhako viharati sato sampajāno”ti.
he stays equanimous, mindful, alert.”
etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —
(then he said some more stuff)


♦ “dhamm-ārāmo dhamma-rato,
Dhamma his dwelling, Dhamma his delight,
dhammaṃ anu-vicintayaṃ.
a monk pondering Dhamma,
♦ dhammaṃ anus-saraṃ bhikkhu,
calling Dhamma to mind,
sad-dhammā na parihāyati.
doesn’t fall away from true-Dhamma. --1--
♦ “caraṃ vā yadi vā tiṭṭhaṃ,
Whether walking, standing,
nisinno uda vā sayaṃ.
sitting, or lying down
♦ ajjhattaṃ samayaṃ cittaṃ,
–his mind inwardly restrained–
he arrives right at peace.
♦ ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā,
(this was spoken (by) the-blessed-one,)
iti me sutanti. sattamaṃ.
(thus I heard.)

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 8. andhakaraṇasuttaṃ (KN 4.87), para. 2
“tayome, bhikkhave, akusalavitakkā andhakaraṇā acakkhukaraṇā aññāṇakaraṇā paññānirodhikā vighātapakkhikā anibbānasaṃvattanikā . katame tayo? kāmavitakko, bhikkhave, andhakaraṇo acakkhukaraṇo aññāṇakaraṇo paññānirodhiko vighātapakkhiko anibbānasaṃvattaniko. byāpādavitakko, bhikkhave, andhakaraṇo acakkhukaraṇo aññāṇakaraṇo paññānirodhiko vighātapakkhiko anibbānasaṃvattaniko. vihiṃsāvitakko, bhikkhave, andhakaraṇo acakkhukaraṇo aññāṇakaraṇo paññānirodhiko vighātapakkhiko anibbānasaṃvattaniko. ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo akusalavitakkā andhakaraṇā acakkhukaraṇā aññāṇakaraṇā paññānirodhikā vighātapakkhikā anibbānasaṃvattanikā.

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 8. andhakaraṇasuttaṃ (KN 4.87), para. 3
“tayome, bhikkhave, kusalavitakkā anandhakaraṇā cakkhukaraṇā ñāṇakaraṇā paññāvuddhikā avighātapakkhikā nibbānasaṃvattanikā. katame tayo? nekkhammavitakko, bhikkhave, anandhakaraṇo cakkhukaraṇo ñāṇakaraṇo paññāvuddhiko avighātapakkhiko nibbānasaṃvattaniko. abyāpādavitakko, bhikkhave, anandhakaraṇo cakkhukaraṇo ñāṇakaraṇo paññāvuddhiko avighātapakkhiko nibbānasaṃvattaniko. avihiṃsāvitakko, bhikkhave, anandhakaraṇo cakkhukaraṇo ñāṇakaraṇo paññāvuddhiko avighātapakkhiko nibbānasaṃvattaniko. ime kho, bhikkhave, tayo kusalavitakkā anandhakaraṇā cakkhukaraṇā ñāṇakaraṇā paññāvuddhikā avighātapakkhikā nibbānasaṃvattanikā”ti. etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 8. andhakaraṇasuttaṃ (KN 4.87), para. 4
“tayo vitakke kusale vitakkaye, tayo pana akusale nirākare.

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 8. andhakaraṇasuttaṃ (KN 4.87), para. 5
sa ve vitakkāni vicāritāni, sameti vuṭṭhīva rajaṃ samūhataṃ.

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 8. andhakaraṇasuttaṃ (KN 4.87), para. 6
sa ve vitakkūpasamena cetasā, idheva so santipadaṃ samajjhagā”ti.

§87. This was said by the Blessed One, said by the Arahant, so I have heard: “Monks, there are these three kinds of unskillful thinking that produce blindness, produce lack of vision, produce lack of knowledge, lead to the cessation of discernment, side with vexation, and are not conducive to Unbinding. Which three? Thinking imbued with sensuality.… Thinking imbued with ill-will.… Thinking imbued with harmfulness produces blindness, produces lack of vision, produces lack of knowledge, leads to the cessation of discernment, sides with vexation, and is not conducive to Unbinding. These are the three kinds of unskillful thinking that produce blindness, produce lack of vision, produce lack of knowledge, lead to the cessation of discernment, side with vexation, and are not conducive to Unbinding.
“There are these three kinds of skillful thinking that produce non-blindness, produce vision, produce knowledge, foster discernment, side with non-vexation, and are conducive to Unbinding. Which three? Thinking imbued with renunciation.… Thinking imbued with non-ill-will.… Thinking imbued with harmlessness produces non-blindness, produces vision, produces knowledge, fosters discernment, sides with non-vexation, and is conducive to Unbinding. These are the three kinds of skillful thinking that produce non-blindness, produce vision, produce knowledge, foster discernment, side with non-vexation, and are conducive to Unbinding.”

KN It, 3. tikanipāto, 4. catutthavaggo, 10. devadattasuttaṃ (KN 4.89), para. 20
vitakkāsakkārasadda, cavanaloke asubhaṃ.
just end of vagga titles

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 2
“carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti. carampi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto anātāpī anottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati.

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 3
“ṭhitassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti na anabhāvaṃ gameti. ṭhitopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto anātāpī anottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati.

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 4
“nisinnassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti na anabhāvaṃ gameti. nisinnopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto anātāpī anottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati.

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 5
“sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu adhivāseti nappajahati na vinodeti na byantīkaroti na anabhāvaṃ gameti. sayānopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jāgaro evaṃbhūto anātāpī anottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīnavīriyoti vuccati.

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 6
“carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti. carampi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhavīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 7
“ṭhitassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti. ṭhitopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhavīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 8
“nisinnassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti. nisinnopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhavīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 9
“sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa uppajjati kāmavitakko vā byāpādavitakko vā vihiṃsāvitakko vā. tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu nādhivāseti pajahati vinodeti byantīkaroti anabhāvaṃ gameti. sayānopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jāgaro evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī satataṃ samitaṃ āraddhavīriyo pahitattoti vuccatī”ti. etamatthaṃ bhagavā avoca. tatthetaṃ iti vuccati —

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 11
yo vitakkaṃ vitakketi, pāpakaṃ gehanissitaṃ.

KN It, 4. catukkanipāto, 11. carasuttaṃ (KN 4.110), para. 15
vitakkaṃ samayitvāna, vitakkūpasame rato. 

♦ 11. cara-suttaṃ (KN 4.110) n
♦ 110. vuttañhetaṃ bhagavatā,
§110. This was said by the Blessed One,
vuttamarahatāti me sutaṃ --
said by the Arahant, so I have heard:

(1. While walking, wrong effort towards wrong thoughts)

♦ “carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno
“If, while he is walking, monks,
uppajjati kāma-vitakko vā
there arises in a monk a thought of sensuality,
byāpāda-vitakko vā
a thought of ill-will,
vihiṃsā-vitakko vā.
or a thought of harmfulness,
tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
and, ********, (that) monk
tolerates (it),
does not quickly abandon,
na vinodeti
na byantī-karoti
na anabhāvaṃ gameti.
or wipe that thought out of existence,
carampi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
then a monk walking
evaṃ-bhūto an-ātāpī an-ottāpī
with such a lack of ardency & compunction
satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīna-vīriyoti vuccati.
is called continually & continuously lethargic & low in his persistence.

(2. While standing, wrong effort towards wrong thoughts)

♦ “ṭhitassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno
“If, while he is standing, monks,
(… same wrong effort refrain as “walking” …)
ṭhitopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
then a monk standing
evaṃ-bhūto an-ātāpī an-ottāpī
with such a lack of ardency & compunction
satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīna-vīriyoti vuccati.
is called continually & continuously lethargic & low in his persistence.

(3. While sitting, wrong effort towards wrong thoughts)

♦ “nisinnassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno
“If, while he is sitting, monks,
(… same wrong effort refrain as “walking” …)
nisinnopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
then a monk sitting
evaṃ-bhūto an-ātāpī an-ottāpī
with such a lack of ardency & compunction
satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīna-vīriyoti vuccati.
is called continually & continuously lethargic & low in his persistence.

(4. While lying down wakeful, wrong effort towards wrong thoughts)

♦ “sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa
“If, while he is lying down wakeful, monks,
(… same wrong effort refrain as “walking” …)
sayānopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jāgaro
then a monk lying down wakeful
evaṃ-bhūto an-ātāpī an-ottāpī
with such a lack of ardency & compunction
satataṃ samitaṃ kusīto hīna-vīriyoti vuccati.
is called continually & continuously lethargic & low in his persistence.

(1. While walking, right effort towards wrong thoughts)

♦ “carato cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno
“But if, while he is walking,
uppajjati kāma-vitakko vā
there arises in a monk a thought of sensuality,
byāpāda-vitakko vā
a thought of ill-will,
vihiṃsā-vitakko vā.
or a thought of harmfulness,
tañce, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
and he
ana-bhāvaṃ gameti.
& wipes that thought out of existence,
carampi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
then a monk walking
evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī
with such ardency & compunction
satataṃ samitaṃ āraddha-vīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.
is called continually & continuously resolute, one with persistence aroused.

(2. While standing, right effort towards wrong thoughts)

♦ “ṭhitassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno
“If, while he is standing.…
(… same right effort refrain as “walking” …)
ṭhitopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī
with such ardency & compunction
satataṃ samitaṃ āraddha-vīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.
is called continually & continuously resolute, one with persistence aroused.

(3. While sitting, right effort towards wrong thoughts)

♦ “nisinnassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno
“If, while he is sitting.…
(… same right effort refrain as “walking” …)
nisinnopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu
evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī
with such ardency & compunction
satataṃ samitaṃ āraddha-vīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.
is called continually & continuously resolute, one with persistence aroused.

(4. While lying down, right effort towards wrong thoughts)

♦ “sayānassa cepi, bhikkhave, bhikkhuno jāgarassa
“If, while he is lying down,
(… same right effort refrain as “walking” …)
sayānopi, bhikkhave, bhikkhu jāgaro
evaṃbhūto ātāpī ottāpī
with such ardency & compunction
satataṃ samitaṃ āraddha-vīriyo pahitattoti vuccati.
is called continually & continuously resolute, one with persistence aroused.
Etam-atthaṃ bhagavā avoca.
This is the meaning of what the Blessed One said.
Tatth-etaṃ iti vuccati —
So with regard to this it was said


♦ “caraṃ vā yadi vā tiṭṭhaṃ,
Whether walking, standing,
nisinno uda vā sayaṃ.
sitting, or lying down,
♦ yo vitakkaṃ vitakketi,
whoever thinks evil thoughts,
pāpakaṃ gehanissitaṃ.
related to the household life,
♦ “kummaggaṃ paṭipanno VAR so,
is following no path at all,
mohaneyyesu mucchito.
smitten with delusory things.
♦ abhabbo tādiso bhikkhu,
He’s incapable, a monk like this,
phuṭṭhuṃ sam-bodhi-muttamaṃ.
of touching superlative self-awakening.
♦ “yo ca caraṃ vā tiṭṭhaṃ vā VAR,
But whoever– walking, standing,
nisinno uda vā sayaṃ.
sitting, or lying down–
♦ vitakkaṃ samayitvāna,
overcomes thought,
Vitakk-ūpasame rato.
delighting in the stilling of thought:
♦ bhabbo so tādiso bhikkhu,
he’s capable, a monk like this,
phuṭṭhuṃ sambodhi-muttaman”ti.
of touching superlative self-awakening.
♦ ayampi attho vutto bhagavatā,
This, too, was the meaning of what was said by the Blessed One,
iti me sutanti.
so I have heard.
(end of sutta)
See also: MN 19; MN 20; AN 3:102; AN 4:11; AN 6:20; AN 10:51


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