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The rūpa (physical body) is active in 4 jhānas, not transcended until to arūpa (formless) samādhis

In this article, we'll gloss two key words. Rūpa, and nānatta (diversity).
Glossing the base of infinite space formula,
which is the samadhi attainment right above fourth jhana.
It shows that, if that is the attainment where one transcends sights, sounds, smells,....,
then it means in the 4th jhana, and first through 4th jhana,
one has NOT transcended sights, sounds, smells...,
i.e. the 5 sense faculties of the body are still active.

Glossing Rūpa

♦ 16. piṅgiyamāṇavapucchā (KN 5.71)
5:16  Piṅgiya’s Questions
♦ 1126.
I’m old & weak,
(iccāyasmā piṅgiyo)
my complexion dull,
♦ “jiṇṇohamasmi abalo vītavaṇṇo,
I’ve blurry eyes
♦ nettā na suddhā savanaṃ na phāsu.
and trouble hearing
but may I not perish
♦ māhaṃ nassaṃ momuho antarāva
while still deluded,
♦ ācikkha dhammaṃ yamahaṃ vijaññaṃ.
Teach me the Dhamma
so that I may know
♦ jātijarāya idha vippahānaṃ”.
the abandoning here
of birth & aging.
♦ 1127.
(piṅgiyāti bhagavā)
The Buddha:
♦ “disvāna rūpesu vihaññamāne,
Seeing people suffering
♦ ruppanti rūpesu janā pamattā.
on account of their bodies—
heedless people are afflicted
♦ tasmā tuvaṃ piṅgiya appamatto,
on account of their bodies
then heedful, Piṅgiya,
♦ jahassu rūpaṃ apunabbhavāya”.
let go of the body
for the sake of no further becoming.

(note this next part appears in MN 10 under kāya anupassana (body contemplation - rupa, sarira, kaya all pointing to anatomical body here)

♦ 172. “puna caparaṃ, bhikkhave, tameva bhaginiṃ passeyya sarīraṃ sivathikāya chaḍḍitaṃ —
"Again, one might see that very same woman as a corpse cast away in a charnel ground —
ekāhamataṃ vā dvīhamataṃ vā tīhamataṃ vā, uddhumātakaṃ vinīlakaṃ vipubbakajātaṃ.
one day, two days, three days dead, bloated, livid, & oozing.
taṃ kiṃ maññatha, bhikkhave, yā purimā subhā vaṇṇanibhā sā antarahitā, ādīnavo pātubhūtoti?
What do you think: Has her earlier beauty & charm vanished, and the drawback appeared?"
‘evaṃ, bhante’.
Yes, lord.
ayampi, bhikkhave, rūpānaṃ ādīnavo.
"This too, monks, is the drawback of forms.

MN 137 glossing nānatta (diversity perceptions)

Katamā ca, bhikkhave, upekkhā nānattā nānattasitā?
And what is equanimity based on diversity?
Atthi, bhikkhave, upekkhā
There is equanimity towards
atthi saddesu,
atthi gandhesu,
atthi rasesu,
atthi phoṭṭhabbesu—
and touches.
ayaṃ, bhikkhave, upekkhā nānattā nānattasitā.
This is equanimity based on diversity.

Katamā ca, bhikkhave, upekkhā ekattā ekattasitā?
And what is equanimity based on unity?
Atthi, bhikkhave, upekkhā
There is equanimity based on the
dimensions of infinite space,
atthi viññāṇañcāyatana-nissitā,
infinite consciousness,
atthi ākiñcaññāyatana-nissitā,
nothingness, and
atthi neva-saññā-n-āsaññāyatana-nissitā—
neither perception nor non-perception.
ayaṃ, bhikkhave, upekkhā ekattā ekattasitā.
This is equanimity based on unity.

Tatra, bhikkhave, yāyaṃ upekkhā ekattā ekattasitā taṃ nissāya taṃ āgamma yāyaṃ upekkhā nānattā nānattasitā taṃ pajahatha, taṃ samatikkamatha. Evametissā pahānaṃ hoti, evametissā samatikkamo hoti.
Therein, relying on equanimity based on unity, give up equanimity based on diversity. That’s how it is given up.

--jhana is based on perception of "multiplicity of sensory experiences." In practical terms, this means that the mind is in contact with blissful bubbly sensations, surges/currents/confluences/settling of energies; the occasional, gentle impingement of sounds and random tactile sensations don't knock one out of the seclusion peace, but are in general registered as either innocuous, neutral sensations, or a part of the vibrant field of pleasant experience.
The passages also make clear that "singleness" of perception in the formless means the suspension of sensory awareness, and this is made distinct from experiences of the form attainments (the four jhanas).


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