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MN 45, MN 36 how gradual and accessible first jhāna is. ABRJ (ajahn brahm redefined jhana doesn't work here)

MN 45 is a good sutta to get a holistic sense of how ordinary, gradual, and easily accessible first jhana was designed to be. The contrast between wrong pleasure, the 5 strings of sensuality, and four jhanas, the right kind of pleasure, is what first jhana formula's 'vivicceva kamehi' is referencing. 

Especially pay attention to the 3rd case, of the monks who have 'painful practice in the present life.'  Their practice is painful because they constantly suffer from second guessing whether they're missing out on coarse sensual pleasures of life like food, women,  beer, etc.  It says nothing about the more subtle dukkha of rupa vs. arupa, which is what Ajahn Brahm wrongfully claims first jhana is the escape for. (see rūpa is not a-rūpa, 4 jhānas operate in rūpa)

Why is first jhana an uttari manussa dhamma (superhuman state)? Because it's difficult for people, to genuinely prefer the pleasure of quiet meditation over the coarse  sensual pleasures of food, sex, drugs, rock and roll.

A passage from MN 36 also corroborates case #2 of MN 45, that the pleasure of first jhana is contrasted against useless austerities with no spiritual benefit. The pleasure is simply that one need not fear a pleasure that arises from delighting in seclusion and skillful Dharmas. Nothing at all about transcending the physical sphere entirely, as Vism. and Ajahn Brahm wrongly interpret. If you example this passage carefully, you see MN 36 is very plain, straightforward and addressing the framework of MN 45.

Tassa mayhaṃ, aggivessana, etadahosi:
Then I thought:
‘ye kho keci atītamaddhānaṃ samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā opakkamikā dukkhā tibbā kharā kaṭukā vedanā vedayiṃsu, etāvaparamaṃ, nayito bhiyyo.
‘Whatever ascetics and brahmins have experienced painful, sharp, severe, acute feelings due to overexertion—whether in the past, future, or present—this is as far as it goes, no-one has done more than this.
Yepi hi keci anāgatamaddhānaṃ samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā opakkamikā dukkhā tibbā kharā kaṭukā vedanā vedayissanti, etāvaparamaṃ, nayito bhiyyo.
Yepi hi keci etarahi samaṇā vā brāhmaṇā vā opakkamikā dukkhā tibbā kharā kaṭukā vedanā vedayanti, etāvaparamaṃ, nayito bhiyyo.
Na kho panāhaṃ imāya kaṭukāya dukkarakārikāya adhigacchāmi uttari manussadhammā alamariyañāṇadassanavisesaṃ.
But I have not achieved any superhuman distinction in knowledge and vision worthy of the noble ones by this severe, grueling work.
Siyā nu kho añño maggo bodhāyā’ti?
Could there be another path to awakening?’
Tassa mayhaṃ, aggivessana, etadahosi:
Then it occurred to me:
‘abhijānāmi kho panāhaṃ pitu sakkassa kammante sītāya jambucchāyāya nisinno vivicceva kāmehi vivicca akusalehi dhammehi savitakkaṃ savicāraṃ vivekajaṃ pītisukhaṃ paṭhamaṃ jhānaṃ upasampajja viharitā.
‘I recall sitting in the cool shade of the rose-apple tree while my father the Sakyan was off working. Quite secluded from sensual pleasures, secluded from unskillful qualities, I entered and remained in the first jhāna, which has the rapture and pleasure born of seclusion, while directing-thought and evaluation.
Siyā nu kho eso maggo bodhāyā’ti?
Could that be the path to awakening?’
Tassa mayhaṃ, aggivessana, satānusāri viññāṇaṃ ahosi:
Stemming from that memory came the realization:
‘eseva maggo bodhāyā’ti.
‘That is the path to awakening!’
Tassa mayhaṃ, aggivessana, etadahosi:
Then it occurred to me:
‘kiṃ nu kho ahaṃ tassa sukhassa bhāyāmi, yaṃ taṃ sukhaṃ aññatreva kāmehi aññatra akusalehi dhammehī’ti?
‘Why am I afraid of that pleasure, for it has nothing to do with sensual pleasures or unskillful qualities?’
Tassa mayhaṃ, aggivessana, etadahosi:
Then I thought:
‘na kho ahaṃ tassa sukhassa bhāyāmi, yaṃ taṃ sukhaṃ aññatreva kāmehi aññatra akusalehi dhammehī’ti.
‘I’m not afraid of that pleasure, for it has nothing to do with sensual pleasures or unskillful qualities.’

MN 45 Cūḷa-dhamma-samādāna

☸ Lucid 🐘


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